Automatic delineation of geomorphological slope units
Alvioli M., Marchesini I., Fiorucci F., Ardizzone F., Rossi, M., Reichebach P., Guzzetti F. (2014) Automatic delineation of geomorphological slope units. ...
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EGU General Assembly 2014
National and regional approaches for the prediction of rainfall-induced landslides in Italy: an overview
Peruccacci S., Brunetti M.T., Capparelli G., Di Pilla S., Guzzetti F., Molari M., Niccoli R., Pagliara P., Pizziolo M., Ponziani F., Ratto S.M., Segoni S., ...
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EGU General Assembly 2014
Impact of uncertainty in rainfall estimation on the identification of rainfall thresholds for debris flow occurrence
Nikolopoulos F.I., Borga M., Crema S., Marchi L., Marra F., Guzzetti F. (2014) Impact of uncertainty in rainfall estimation on the identification of rainfall ...
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EGU General Assembly 2014
Non-Susceptible Landslide Areas in Italy and in the Mediterranean Region
Alvioli M., Ardizzone F., Guzzetti F., Marchesini I., Rossi M. (2014) Non-Susceptible Landslide Areas in Italy and in the Mediterranean Region. Geophysical ...
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EGU General Assembly 2014
A sustainability model based on cloud infrastructures for core and downstream Copernicus services
Manunta M., Calò F., De Luca C., Elefante S., Farres J., Guzzetti F., Imperatore P., Lanari R., Lengert W., Zinno I., Casu F. (2014) A sustainability model ...
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EGU General Assembly 2014
A Tool for Modelling the Probability of Landslides Impacting Road Networks
Taylor F.E., Santangelo M., Marchesini I., Malamud B.D., Guzzetti F. (2014) A Tool for Modelling the Probability of Landslides Impacting Road Networks. ...
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EGU General Assembly 2014
A logical framework for ranking landslide inventory maps
Santangelo M., Fiorucci F., Bucci F., Cardinali M., Ardizzone F., Marchesini I., Mondini A.C., Reichenbach P., Rossi M., Guzzetti F. (2014) A logical framework ...
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EGU General Assembly 2014
GIS-based modelling of deep-seated slope stability in complex geology
Mergili M., Marchesini I., Schneider-Muntau B., Cardinali M., Fiorucci F., Valigi D., Santangelo M., Bucci F., Guzzetti F. (2014) GIS-based modelling of ...
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EGU General Assembly 2014
Parallel processing for efficient 3D slope stability modelling
Marchesini I., Mergili M., Alvioli M., Metz M., Schneider-Muntau B., Rossi M., Guzzetti F. (2014) Parallel processing for efficient 3D slope stability ...
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EGU General Assembly 2014
A comparison of rock fall inventories in Austria and Italy
Melzner S., Guzzetti F. (2014) A comparison of rock fall inventories in Austria and Italy. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, EGU2014-5072, Vienna, ...
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EGU General Assembly 2014