Papers, reports, and maps for the Campania region, Southern Italy.
Definition and performance of a threshold-based regional early warning model for rainfall-induced landslides
Piciullo L., Gariano S.L., Melillo M., Brunetti M.T., Peruccacci S., Guzzetti F., Calvello M. (2017) Definition and performance of a threshold-based regional early warning model for rainfall-induced landslides. Landslides, 14(3), 995-1008, doi:10.1007/s10346-016-0750-2.
Morphological and kinematic evolution of a large earthflow: the Montaguto landslide, southern Italy
Giordan D., Allasia P., Manconi A., Baldo M., Corazza A., Albanese V., Santangelo M., Cardinali M., Lollino G., Guzzetti F. (2013) Morphological and kinematic evolution of a large earthflow: the Montaguto landslide, southern Italy. Geomorphology, Vol. 187. 61-79. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2012.12.035.
Rock fall hazard assessment in a sample area of the Sorrento Peninsula (Campania, southern Italy)
Palma B., Parise M., Reichenbach P., Guzzetti F. (2011) Rock fall hazard assessment in a sample area of the Sorrento Peninsula (Campania, southern Italy). Natural Hazards, doi: 10.1007/s11069-011-9899-0.
Analysis of the 9 September 1998 Mw 5.6 Mercure earthquake sequence (Southern Apennines, Italy): A multidisciplinary approach
Brozzetti F., Lavecchia G., Mancini G., Milana G., Cardinali M. (2009) Analysis of the 9 September 1998 Mw 5.6 Mercure earthquake sequence (Southern Apennines, Italy): A multidisciplinary approach. Tectonophysics, Vol. 476, 210-225.