

Papers published in 2007.

Landslide Vulnerability Criteria: A Case Study from Umbria, Central Italy

Galli M. & Guzzetti F. (2007) Landslide Vulnerability Criteria: A Case Study from Umbria, Central Italy. Environmental Management, Vol. 40, 649–664, DOI 10.1007/s00267-006-0325-4.

Rainfall thresholds for the initiation of landslides in central and southern Europe

Guzzetti F., Peruccacci S., Rossi M. & Stark C.P. (2007) Rainfall thresholds for the initiation of landslides in central and southern Europe. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, Vol. 98, 239–267.

Identification and mapping of recent rainfall-induced landslides using elevation data collected by airborne Lidar

Ardizzone F., Cardinali M., Galli M., Guzzetti F. & Reichenbach P. (2007). Identification and mapping of recent rainfall-induced landslides using elevation data collected by airborne Lidar. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, Vol. 7, 637–650. Available @

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published on 2011/08/31 11:15:00 GMT+1 last modified 2018-02-19T12:33:20+01:00