
Rainfall thresholds

Design and implementation of methods for the definition of rainfall thresholds, and their implementation in landslide warning systems. The rapporteur for the working group is Silvia Peruccacci.
Name Phone Email
Brunetti, Maria Teresa +39 075-5014408 mariateresa [ DOT ] brunetti [ AT ] cnr [ DOT ] it
Gariano, Stefano Luigi +39 075-5014424 Stefano [ DOT ] Luigi [ DOT ] Gariano [ AT ] irpi [ DOT ] cnr [ DOT ] it
Guzzetti, Fausto +39 075 501 4402 F [ DOT ] Guzzetti [ AT ] irpi [ DOT ] cnr [ DOT ] it
Martinotti, Maria Elena
Melillo, Massimo +39 075-5014424 Massimo [ DOT ] Melillo [ AT ] irpi [ DOT ] cnr [ DOT ] it
Peruccacci, Silvia +39 075-5014409 Silvia [ DOT ] Peruccacci [ AT ] irpi [ DOT ] cnr [ DOT ] it
Rossi, Mauro +39 075-5014421 Mauro [ DOT ] Rossi [ AT ] irpi [ DOT ] cnr [ DOT ] it

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last modified 2012-01-13T19:54:19+02:00