By theme
Browse our publications by "theme". Note 1: Several publications are listed in two or more "themes". Note 2: Not all our publications are listed here. For a list of our publications go to "home -> publications -> by type". Have fun.
Event description and analysis
Papers dealing with single triggers that have caused individual or multiple landslides
Landslide susceptibility and landslide hazard
Papers dealing with landslide susceptibility evaluation and landslide hazard modeling.
Landslide risk
Papers dealing with landslide risk evaluation, including vulnerability to landslides.
Landslides and their statistical properties
Papers dealing with the statistical analysis of landslide size.
Temporal analysis and forecasts
Papers dealing with the analysis of time series of landslides, and the temporal predictions of slope failures.
Rainfall induced landslides
Papers dealing with rainfall induced landslides, including the identification of rainfall thresholds for the possible initiation of landslides.
Earthquake induced landslides
Papers dealing with landslide susceptibility evaluation and landslide hazard modeling.
Debris flow
Papers dealing with the identification and mapping of debris flows, and debris flow hazard and risk assessment.
Rock fall
Publications on rock fall modeling, hazard assessment and risk evaluation.
Use of historical data
Papers discussing the compilation and use of historical information and data for landslide and flood hazards, vulnerability and risk assessment.
GIS and GeoDatabases
Papers dealing with the construction and use of GIS systems and GeoDatabases for various geological and geomorphological applications.
Remote sensing
Papers dealing with the application of remote sensing data and technologies for geomorphological applications, chiefly landslide detection, landslide monitoring, and landslide susceptibility assessment.
Papers dealing with general geomorphology issues, including morphometry, and the geomorphology of landslides.
Soil science and erosion
Papers dealing with soil science, and erosion studies.
Papers dealing with general geological issues.