Landslide risk
Papers dealing with landslide risk evaluation, including vulnerability to landslides.
Recommendations on a common approach for mapping areas at risk of landslides in Europe
Hervás J., Günther A., Reichenbach P., Chacón J., Pasuto A., Malet J.-P., Trigila A., Hobbs P., Maquaire O., Tagliavini F., Poyiadji E., Guerrieri L. & Montanarella L. (2007) Recommendations on a common approach for mapping areas at risk of landslides in Europe. In: In: Hervás, J. (Ed.), 2007. Guidelines for Mapping Areas at Risk of Landslides in Europe. Proc. Experts Meeting, JRC, Ispra, Italy, 23-24 October 2007. JRC Report EUR 23093 EN, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg, 53 pp.
Evaluation of risk to the population posed by natural hazards in Italy
Guzzetti F., Salvati P. & Stark C.P. (2005) Evaluation of risk to the population posed by natural hazards in Italy. In: Hungr et al. (eds.) Landslide Risk Management. A.A. Balkema Publishers, 381-389.
Evaluation of flood and landslide risk to the population of Italy
Guzzetti F., Stark C.P. & Salvati P. (2005) Evaluation of flood and landslide risk to the population of Italy. Environmental Management, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 15-36.
Landslide Mapping, Hazard Assessment and Risk Evaluation: Limits and Potential
Guzzetti F. (2004) Landslide Mapping, Hazard Assessment and Risk Evaluation: Limits and Potential. Proceedings International Symposium on Landslide and Debris Flow Hazard Assessment, National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering, Taipei, 7-8 October 2004, C1-C17.
Geomorphological mapping to assess landslide risk: examples from the Umbria Region, Central Italy
Guzzetti F., Cardinali M., Reichenbach P., Galli M., Ardizzone F. (2004) Geomorphological mapping to assess landslide risk: examples from the Umbria Region, Central Italy. Proceedings 2004 International Conference on Slopeland Disaster Mitigation, Taipei, 5-6 October 2004, 61-79.
Geomorphologic mapping to assess landslide risk: concepts, methods and applications in the Umbria Region of central Italy
Reichenbach P., Galli M., Cardinali M., Guzzetti F. & Ardizzone F., (2004) Geomorphologic mapping to assess landslide risk: concepts, methods and applications in the Umbria Region of central Italy. In: Glade T., Anderson M.G. and Crozier M.J. (eds.) Landslide risk assessment. John Wiley, 429-468.
The impact of landslides in the Umbria Region, Central Italy
Guzzetti F., Reichenbach P., Cardinali M., Ardizzone F. & Galli M. (2003) The impact of landslides in the Umbria Region, Central Italy. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. Vol. 3, n. 5, 469 - 486.
Map of landslides and floods with human consequences in Italy
Salvati P., Guzzetti F., Reichenbach P., Cardinali M., & Stark C.P. (2003) Map of landslides and floods with human consequences in Italy. Pubblication CNR GNDCI n. 2822, Scale 1:1,200,000, (in English & Italian).
Landslide hazard assessment and risk evaluation: limits and prospective
Guzzetti F. (2003) Landslide hazard assessment and risk evaluation: limits and prospective. In: Jansà A. & Romero R. (eds.), Proceedings 4th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms, Mallorca, Spain, Universitat de Illes Baleares, CD-ROM, ISBN 84-7632-792-7.
Landslide events and their impact on the transportation network in the Umbria region, central Italy
Reichenbach P., Ardizzone F., Cardinali M., Galli M., Guzzetti F. & Salvati P. (2003) Landslide events and their impact on the transportation network in the Umbria region, central Italy. In: Jansà A. & Romero R. (eds.), Proceedings 4th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms, Mallorca, Spain, Universitat de Illes Baleares, CD-ROM, ISBN 84-7632-792-7.
Landslide hazard assessment and risk evaluation: overview, limits and prospective
Guzzetti F. (2002) Landslide hazard assessment and risk evaluation: overview, limits and prospective. 3rd MITCH Workshop Floods, Droughts and Landslides: Who plans, who pays. 24-26 November 2002, Potsdam, Germany.
A geomorphological approach to estimate landslide hazard and risk in urban and rural areas in Umbria, central Italy
Cardinali M., Reichenbach P., Guzzetti F., Ardizzone F., Antonini G., Galli M., Cacciano M., Castellani M. & Salvati P. (2002) A geomorphological approach to estimate landslide hazard and risk in urban and rural areas in Umbria, central Italy. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, Vol. 2:1-2, 57-72.
Flood risk assessment in urban areas
Ferrante L., Ubertini L., Guzzetti F. & Napolitano F. (1998) Flood risk assessment in urban areas. Proceedings 3rd International Symposium on Civil Infrastructure Systems: Intelligent Renewal, Capri, 25 September 1997, 167-180.
Map of sites historically affected by landslides and floods in Italy, 2nd edition
Reichenbach P., Guzzetti F. & Cardinali M. (1998) Map of sites historically affected by landslides and floods in Italy, 2nd edition. Pubblication CNR GNDCI n. 1786, Scale 1:1,200,000, (in English & Italian).
Map of sites historically affected by landslides and floods in Italy
Guzzetti F., Cardinali M. & Reichenbach P. (1996) Map of sites historically affected by landslides and floods in Italy. Pubblication CNR GNDCI n. 1356, Scale 1:1,200,000, (in English & Italian).
Landslide hazard and risk by GIS-based multivariate models
Guzzetti F. (1993) Landslide hazard and risk by GIS-based multivariate models. In Reichenbach P. et al. (eds.), Proceedings Workshop on Geographical Information Systems in Assessing Natural Hazards. Villa La Colombella, Perugia, 20-22 September 1993, 83-91.
Landslide fatalities and evaluation of landslide risk in Italy
Guzzetti F. (2000) Landslide fatalities and evaluation of landslide risk in Italy. Engineering Geology, Vol. 58: 89-107.
Early Warning Capabilities for Geological Hazards
Hamilton, R. M., Kato, T., Sobolev, G., Wyss, M., Newhall, C. G., Blong, R., Wagner, J.-J., Munoz-Carmona, F., Tilling, R. I., Wieczorek, G. F., Evans, S., Guzzetti F., Highland L., Sassa K. (1997) Early Warning Capabilities for Geological Hazards, edited by R. M. Hamilton, International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction, Geneva, 35 pp.
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Changes in the occurrence of rainfall-induced landslides in Calabria, southern Italy, in the 20th century
Gariano S.L., Petrucci O., Guzzetti F., (2015) Changes in the occurrence of rainfall-induced landslides in Calabria, southern Italy, in the 20th century. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 15, 2313-2330, doi:10.5194/nhess-15-1-2015.
nhess-15-2313-2015.pdf — 9791 KB