
Landslides on Mars

An effort to map landslides on Mars, and to investigate the statistics of landslide sizes on Mars, in comparison with the statistics of terrestrial slope failures. The rapporteur for the working group is Maria Teresa Brunetti.
Name Phone Email
Brunetti, Maria Teresa +39 075-5014408 mariateresa [ DOT ] brunetti [ AT ] cnr [ DOT ] it
Cardinali, Mauro +39 075-5014412 Mauro [ DOT ] Cardinali [ AT ] irpi [ DOT ] cnr [ DOT ] it
Fiorucci, Federica +39 075-5014427 Federica [ DOT ] Fiorucci [ AT ] irpi [ DOT ] cnr [ DOT ] it
Guzzetti, Fausto +39 075 501 4402 F [ DOT ] Guzzetti [ AT ] irpi [ DOT ] cnr [ DOT ] it
Santangelo, Michele +39 075-5014412 Michele [ DOT ] Santangelo [ AT ] irpi [ DOT ] cnr [ DOT ] it

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last modified 2012-01-13T18:55:53+01:00