

A research and development project of the National Department for Civil Protection for the design and the implementation of a nation-scale warning system for the forecasting of the possible occurrence of landslides induced by rainfall. The rapporteur for the working group is Mauro Rossi.
Name Phone Email
Balducci, Vinicio +39 075-5014429 Vinicio [ DOT ] Balducci [ AT ] irpi [ DOT ] cnr [ DOT ] it
Bianchi, Cinzia +39 075-5014427 Cinzia [ DOT ] Bianchi [ AT ] irpi [ DOT ] cnr [ DOT ] it
Brunetti, Maria Teresa +39 075-5014408 mariateresa [ DOT ] brunetti [ AT ] cnr [ DOT ] it
Gariano, Stefano Luigi +39 075-5014424 Stefano [ DOT ] Luigi [ DOT ] Gariano [ AT ] irpi [ DOT ] cnr [ DOT ] it
Giostrella, Paola
Guzzetti, Fausto +39 075 501 4402 F [ DOT ] Guzzetti [ AT ] irpi [ DOT ] cnr [ DOT ] it
Marchesini, Ivan +39 075-5014430 Ivan [ DOT ] Marchesini [ AT ] irpi [ DOT ] cnr [ DOT ] it
Martinotti, Maria Elena
Melillo, Massimo +39 075-5014424 Massimo [ DOT ] Melillo [ AT ] irpi [ DOT ] cnr [ DOT ] it
Peruccacci, Silvia +39 075-5014409 Silvia [ DOT ] Peruccacci [ AT ] irpi [ DOT ] cnr [ DOT ] it
Rossi, Mauro +39 075-5014421 Mauro [ DOT ] Rossi [ AT ] irpi [ DOT ] cnr [ DOT ] it
Salvati, Paola +39 075-5014427 Paola [ DOT ] Salvati [ AT ] irpi [ DOT ] cnr [ DOT ] it

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last modified 2012-01-13T18:56:52+01:00