
WMS services

WPS Services

A WPS client is currently available for QGIS ( The new version of ArcGIS 10.1 should also implement WPSs, and should be able to use our service.

In order to explain how to use the WPS services we describe how to use one of them: the "areaStat" tool.


First of all you must load the shapefile containing an attribute column where the area value of each feature is stored.

In order to use WPS in QGIS, you need install a specific plugin. In the plugins menu, select "fetch python plugin", update the list, and in the filter box write "wps". This will list the plugin "WPS-Client". Select this plugin, and install it. When installed, in the plugin menu you'll find the new entry "WPS client". If you choose this entry a window will appear.

Select the shapefile (this can be a polygon layer with the mapped landslides), and run the wps client. A window will allow you to create, modify, delete, and connect to the WPS server. Create a new connection. Chose a local name for the connection/service, and type "" as the URL . You will then be able to select the connection from the drop-down menu. Click on connect, select the "areaStat" item, and specify the name of the field of the shapefile containing the values of landslide area. These values must have been calculated before; something easy to do in QGIS or ArcGIS. You can fill in also other optional parametrs values. Then click on Execute and wait. After some time (second or minutes, it depends on the layer dimensions) a new window should open.Click on "show details", and you'll find a link to the pdf containing the computed results. Click OK will results in an error message. Don't  worry, this is because the WPS process does not have a geographical output.


WMS Services

Our WMS Service allows to consult thematic cartographic information through the most common Desktop GIS tools.
Some of the layers are freely accessible, some others require password. The protected layers are reserved to Italian Department of Civil Protection (DPC) and other Insitutions.

IRPI WMS Server address:


Qgis  (Freely downloadable at

  1. Select "Add WMS Layer" from the Layer menu;
  2. Click the "New" button, insert a name for the new server, copy the URL of the IRPI WMS Server address into the URL space and click OK;
  3. Select the new server and click "Connect"
  4. Now you will see all the available layers. Select the layer/s you want to see in your GIS;
  5. Select an image format (es. png) and the coordinate system;
  6. Click OK


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published on 2019/03/25 11:00:13 GMT+2 last modified 2019-03-25T11:00:13+02:00