We are involved in a number of activities, which we carry out in the framework of regional, national, European and other international projects. We obtain (or have obtained) financial resources and data from multiple sources, including the European Commission, the Italian National Department for Civil Protection, the Italian Space Agency, Regional governments in Italy. Here we list information on our ongoing and completed projects. If you want further information on our projects, please write us.
On going ...
- HySTC - Hydrology and Stability of slopes along Transport Corridors
- URGERE - URban GEodiversity for a Resilient Environment
- LANDSLIP: Landslide Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment, Preparedness and Early Warning in South Asia Integrating Meteorology, Landscape and Society
financed by the UK NERC & DFID SHEAR Programme - SAFETY: Sentinel for Geohazards regional monitoring and forecasting
financed by the European Commission - Definizione di soglie di pioggia per la possibile occorrenza di frana in Sardegna
finanziato dalla Regione Sardegna - Cost of Natural Hazards in Italy
financed by the Fondazione Generali - Detection, mapping and classification of mass movements on Mars
- HAMMER-RelationsHips between meteo-climAtic paraMeters and ground surface deforMation time sEries in mountain enviRonments
founded by the NextData Project - Multi Scale and Multi Hazard Mapping Space based Solutions - MEMpHIS
- U-Geohaz. Geohazard impact assessment for urban areas
Completed ...
- Rainfall thresholds for possible landslide occurrence in Liguria
financed by the Liguria Regional Government - Valutazione dei Rischi Posti da Fenomeni Naturali ed Antropici e Strategie di Mitigazione
per il Dipartimento Terra e Ambiente del CNR - Prediction of rainfall-induced landslides and associated risk in Italy
for the National Department of Civil Protection - Realizzazione di Modelli e Carte di Suscettibilità da frana tipo scorrimento per il territorio della Regione Umbria
Contratto tra Regione Umbria e IRPI CNR - LAMPRE - LAndslide Modelling and tools for vulnerability assessment Preparedness and REcovery management
a Collaborative Project in the 7th EC Framework Programme - DORIS: Ground Deformations Risk Scenarios: an Advanced Assessment Service
a Collaborative Project in the 7th EC Framework Programme - VIGOR: Valutazione del potenzIale Geotermico delle regiOni della conveRgenza
for the Italian Ministry of Industry - Landslide mapping and risk assessment in the Agri valley, Basilicata, southern Italy
for ENI Exploration & Production - Portale tematico sul dissesto geo-idrologico in Italia (GIIDA)
del Dipartimento Terra e Ambiente del CNR - Landslide erosion rates in Italy and Taiwan
of the Italian National Research Council (CNR) - Unraveling the links between rainfall, seismicity, landsliding, slope denudation and sediment discharge in mountain belts with the aid remotely sensed data
Bilateral Italy-Taiwan 2012-2013 - EURORISK PREVIEW
an Integrated Project in the 6th EC Framework Programme - Extreme Events Causes and Consequences (E2C2)
a Specific Targeted Research Project in the 6th EC Framework Programme - Riskaware
an EC Interreg project for the CADSES area - MORFEO II
of the Italian Space Agency (ASI) - MORFEO I, Progetto preliminare del prodotto applicativo "Protezione Civile dalla frane"
of the Italian Space Agency (ASI) - DAMOCLES, Debris fall assessment in mountain catchments for local end users
in the 5th EC Framework Programme - Landslide risk assessment in selected areas in Umbria
for the Umbria Regional government
A more comprehensive list of our projects is available here.
For on going projects and main activities, our internal organization (who-does-what) is shown here.
... If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.
(Steve Jobs, 12 June 2005, Stanford University, Palo Alto)
In direzione ostinata e contraria
(Fabrizio De André, Novembre 2005)
The world is divided into two classes, those who believe the incredible, and those who do the improbable.
(Oscar Wilde)
(Steve Jobs, 12 June 2005, Stanford University, Palo Alto)
In direzione ostinata e contraria
(Fabrizio De André, Novembre 2005)
The world is divided into two classes, those who believe the incredible, and those who do the improbable.
(Oscar Wilde)