On going
Information and materials regarding on going research and development projects ...
HySTC - Hydrology and Stability of slopes along Transport Corridors
L'individuazione e la caratterizzazione geomorfologica di bacini e versanti che insistono su linee di trasporto è di rilevanza per quantificare la possibilità di loro interazione con fenomeni geo-idrologici come flash floods e frane. Si propone lo sviluppo e l'implementazione di specifici moduli software portabili, automatici e riproducibili per (1) la delineazione multi-scala di bacini e versanti, (2) il calcolo del tempo di corrivazione con un ensemble di metodi empirici ad ogni livello di scala, e (3) la valutazione della stabilità dei versanti individuati con metodi statistici, concettuali e fisicamente basati. In (1) la multi-scalarità si ottiene con un metodo di delineazione di bacini ed unità di versante annidate ai diversi livelli di scala, ottimizzate localmente con un algoritmo adattativo. In (2) si utilizzano diverse equazioni note in letteratura per determinare i tempi di corrivazione al variare della densità del reticolo idrografico, della topografia e della copertura del suolo. In (3) specializziamo sul singolo versante modelli fittati a livello nazionale, ed applichiamo modelli fisici ad alta risoluzione per fenomeni di crollo e colate di detrito. I tre punti sono fra gli argomenti fondanti delle professionalità del gruppo di ricerca. Gli obiettivi proposti sono variazioni di algoritmi, software e modelli sviluppati e ampiamente testati a livello nazionale, con modelli digitali del terreno di risoluzione 10 m o superiore.
URGERE - URban GEodiversity for a Resilient Environment
Geodiversity refers to the variety of natural abiotic features, as the natural variety of geological (rocks, minerals), geomorphological (landforms, physical processes), hydrological and soil properties. The parameter “geomorphodiversity” is a measure of the dynamics of the Earth’s surface and it has a key role in conservation of biodiversity and sustainability of ecosystems. Thus, it affects evolution of the biotic world and of human life. A measure of geomorphodiversity in time relates to the evolutionary stage of the physical processes shaping the landscape. This is particularly relevant in an era of pervasive anthropic actions and even more so with the onset of climate change.
LANDSLIP: Landslide Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment, Preparedness and Early Warning in South Asia Integrating Meteorology, Landscape and Society
Landslide Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment, Preparedness and Early Warning in South Asia Integrating Meteorology, Landscape and Society (LANDSLIP) has been funded under the UK NERC/DFID SHEAR (Science for Humanitarian Emergencies & Resilience) programme, which aims to support improved disaster resilience and humanitarian response by advancing monitoring, assessment and prediction of natural hazards and risks across Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, and through working with users, bringing this into use to reduce the impacts of disasters.
Safety: Sentinel for Geohazards regional monitoring and forecasting
Pilot and demonstration projects with replication capacity focusing on urban resilience to disasters. Projects should build upon existing knowledge and good practices (e.g. resilient cities scoreboard and campaign, local resilience forums, local climate change adaptation strategies). European Commission, Directorate-General Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection - ECHO. Ref No: ECHO/SUB/2015/718679/PREV02.
Definizione di soglie di pioggia per la possibile occorrenza di frane in Sardegna
Definizione di soglie di pioggia per la possibile occorrenza di frane in Sardegna. Un progetto finanziato dalla Regione Sardegna, nell'ambito di uno specifico accordo di collaborazione.
Cost of Natural Hazards in Italy
In Italy, naural hazards cause significant societal and economic damages. Despite the frequent losses, Italy does not have rigorous strategies and methods for a through evaluation of the costs of natural disasters. In particular, Italy lacks sound economic estimates of damage due to earthquakes, landslides, and floods. Most of the available estimates are limited to the cost components of the public budget post-event restorations and reimbursements, and do not account for to the total economic costs. The project, financed by the Fondazione Generali and lead by Prof. Roberto Zoboli, aims to address the lack of economic knowledge on natural disasters in Italy by developing analyses to assess the economic estimates of natural disasters, with specific reference to Italy. The research hypothesis is that the general socio-economic cost of disasters in Italy is underestimated. The main objective of the project is to examine four levels of cost evaluation: (i) an advance in the ex-post analysis for the quantification of the total private and public costs of natural disasters occurred in Italy, based on rigorous economic criteria; (ii) based on an ex-ante analysis, aimed to the evaluation of the economic and social risk, which represents a further step to quantify technical-scientific risk assessment; (iii) an economic evaluation of prevention/mitigation policies, whether they are based on structural measures or, on more complex and interesting non-structural measures; and (iv) an investigation of the possible role of insurance schemes, in close connection with prevention/mitigation investments, as part of a national strategy for natural disasters.
Detection, mapping and classification of mass movements on Mars
We are conducting a systematic mapping of landslides in the Valles Marineris, a region of Mars where landslides are abundant. We characterise the mass movements, including deep-seated slides and rock avalanches, flows, rock glaciers, and talus deposits, and we investigate the statistics of landslide size (i.e., area and volume) which we find different for the Martian slides than for the terrestrial landslides. Martian landslides are significantly larger than their terrestrial equivalents, with the proportion of large vs. small slides larger on Mars than on Earth. We have obtained a dependency to link the area and volume of the Martian slides that can be used to estimate landslide volumes in other areas of Mars.
HAMMER-RelationsHips between meteo-climAtic paraMeters and ground surface deforMation time sEries in mountain enviRonments
HAMMER is a special project founded by the NextData Project. The project started on the first January 2014.
Multi Scale and Multi Hazard Mapping Space based Solutions - MEMpHIS
Project accepted in the framework of ITT Nº AO/1-8130/14/F/MOS ESA call. Coordinator: ALTAMIRA Information Contact person: Fifamé Koudogbo (fifame.koudogbo @altamira-information.com) - Maite Garcia (maite.garcia@altamira-information.com)
U-Geohaz. Geohazard impact assessment for urban areas
The project is financed by European Commission, Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO). Unit A/4 – Civil Protection Policy. It is focused on monitoring geohazard-associated ground deformations, a key prevention action specifically addressed to urban areas and critical infrastructures. The project will propose a procedure to produce maps to assess continuously the potential impact of geohazard activity. These maps will provide inputs to support early warning, giving information on the stability of the monitored areas and to evaluate the expected damage. For more information http://www.irpi.cnr.it/project/u-geohaz/