

Media news in the year 2014

Tutta colpa del prosecco?

Podcast della puntata di Radio3 Scienza del 6 agosto 2014. Dal minuto 10:40 si parla di dissesto e manutenzione del territorio con l'intervento di Fausto Guzzetti.

20 years of continuous SAR observations benefit landslide studies

The European Space Agency (ESA), Earth Online web site ( has picked and commented positively one of our latest papers published recently in the journal Remote Sensing of Environment 142 (2014), doi:10.1016/j.rse.2013.11.003. The paper deals with the exploitation of the ESA SAR data for the long-term monitoring of the Ivancich active landslide, Assisi, central Italy.

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published on 2014/10/13 12:25:00 GMT+2 last modified 2014-10-13T12:29:10+02:00