

Papers, reports, and maps for Mexico.

Hazard and population vulnerability analysis: a step towards landslide risk assessment

Franny G. MURILLO-GARCÍA, Mauro ROSSI, Francesca ARDIZZONE, Federica FIORUCCI, Irasema ALCÁNTARA-AYALA (2017) Hazard and population vulnerability analysis: a step towards landslide risk assessment, Journal of Mountain Science, 14(7): 1241-1261, DOI: 10.1007/s11629-016-4179-9

Population landslide vulnerability evaluation: the case of the indigenous population of Pahuatlán-Puebla, Mexico

Murillo-García F., Rossi M., Fiorucci F., Alcántara-Ayala I. (2015) Population landslide vulnerability evaluation: the case of the indigenous population of Pahuatlán-Puebla, Mexico. Lollino et al. (eds.), Engineering Geology for Society and Territory – Volume 2, 1793-1797, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-09057-3_317.

Satellite Stereoscopic Pair Images of Very High Resolution: a Step Forward for the Development of Landslide Inventories

Murillo-García, F. G., Alcántara-Ayala I., Ardizzone F., Cardinali F., Fiorucci F., Guzzetti F. (2015) Satellite Stereoscopic Pair Images of Very High Resolution: a Step Forward for the Development of Landslide Inventories. Landslides, 12, 277–291, doi:10.1007/s10346-014-0473-1, published on line 1 April 2014.

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published on 2011/08/31 12:15:00 GMT+2 last modified 2018-02-19T13:33:20+02:00