Outcomes of the 9th EGU Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms (2007)
Mugnai A., Guzzetti F., Roth G., editors (2010) Outcomes of the 9th EGU Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms (2007). Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, Vol. 10, 875-879, available @ http://www.nat-hazards-earth-syst-sci.net/10/875/2010/nhess-10-875-2010.pdf.
Outcomes of the 9th EGU Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms (2007)
Mugnai A., Guzzetti F., Roth G., editors (2010) Outcomes of the 9th EGU Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Storms (2007). Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, Vol. 10, 875-879, available @ http://www.nat-hazards-earth-syst-sci.net/10/875/2010/nhess-10-875-2010.pdf.