
Rainfall thresholds for the possible initiation of shallow landslides in the Italian Alps

Brunetti M.T., Peruccacci S., Luciani S., Bartolini D., Gariano S.L., Palladino M.R., Vessia G., Viero A., Antronico L., Deganutti A.M., Iovine G., Luino F., Parise M., Guzzetti F. (2012) Rainfall thresholds for the possible initiation of shallow landslides in the Italian Alps. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 14, EGU2012-7564, EGU General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Austria, 22 – 27 April 2012, (Abstract, Poster).

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published on 2012/03/17 01:00:00 GMT+2 last modified 2018-02-19T13:34:23+02:00