
Alessandro Mondini Dr.

Alessandro Mondini, Dr.
Via Madonna Alta, 126
Perugia , Italy 06128
Office Phone: +39 075-5014421


Alessandro C. Mondini started his scientific career in March 2008 with the Italian Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. Phisicyst by training, he got a PhD in 2013 in Geosciences with a thesis on Remote Sensing. He has participated in a number of National, European and International projects mainly funded by the European Commission and Spatial Agencies. He has authorship on 18 peer-review publications, including publications in Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Remote Sensing of Environment, Remote Sensing, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, Planetary and Space Science, Earth Science Review, Geomorphology, NHESS, Environmental Management, Geological Society of London, Journal of Maps, and Physical Review, with 1077 citations (Google Scholar, H-index = 15, i10-index = 18) to his publications. Two papers are currently under review in Remote Sensing of Environment (2016), and Remote Sensing (2017). Mondini is author or co-author of more than 90 main project reports, 3 reports for the Italian Civil Protection.
• Use of spatial autocorrelation and optimal segmentation analysis for event landslide and flood identification/discovery in multi-temporal SAR amplitude (and optical) imagery. Characterization of the increase of the spatial autocorrelation in measures of changes in SAR images due to event landslides [ap6], [ap5], [ap1], [sp2].
• Implementation of new algorithms based on Optical and SAR amplitude imagery, and image analysis for semi-automatic event landslide mapping. Methods include statistical frameworks to assimilate geo-environmental elements in the classification [cp6], [p15], [p12], multiple change detection indices combination [cp1], [p7], [p6], and the preparation and use of modelled spectral fingerprints for automatic training of supervised classifiers (Domain Adaptation) in a Monte Carlo framework for the error propagation estimation in the final maps [cp8], [cp7], [ap1], [sp1].
• DinSAR for rapid intra-earthquake ground displacement analysis using Sentinel-1 imagery and SNAP toolbox (SNAPHU for phase unwrapping).
• Physics of complex systems.
• Co-Author of the proposal NERC project Landslip: “Landslide multi-hazard risk assessment, preparedness and early warning in south Asia integrating meteorology, landscape and society”. Full economic costs 1,988,196.39 Pounds, under re-exam after the Brexit. [ap5].
• Co-Author of the proposal. Fondazione Cariplo project STRESS: “Strategies, Tools, and new data for Resilient Smart Societies”. € 190,000. [ap6].
• Co-Author of the proposal. JAXA project: “Landslide Monitoring at Vegetated Areas Using L-band SqueeSAR Interferometry”. 20 ALOS images. [ap3]
• Co-Author of the proposal. ESA project MEMpHIS: “Multi Scale and Multi Hazard Mapping Space Solutions”. € 299,691.40. [ap2].
• Main Author of the proposal. ESA SEOM Project “Land cover change detection and monitoring methodologies based on the combined use of S1 and S2 for natural resources and hazard management”. € 250,000. [ap1].
• Main Author of the proposal. DLR Cat-1 TSX-Archive-2012 “SAR change detection methodologies for event landslide mapping” principal investigator. 20 TerraSAR-X images. [cp7].
• Main Author of the proposal. NSPO Cat-1 “Spectral signatures library for semi-automatic event landslide recognition and mapping”. 20 Formosat-2 images. [cp8].
• Co-Author of the proposal. EC LAMPRE Project: Landslide modeling and tools for vulnerability assessment, preparedness and recovery management. EC, FP7-SPACE-2012-1. € 1,964,196. [cp6]
• Main Author of the proposal. CNR (Italy) and NSC (Taiwan) bilateral exchange project: Unravelling the links between rainfall, seismicity, landsliding, slope denudation and sediment discharge in mountain belts with the aid of remotely sensed data. € 10,000. [cp4].
• Main Author and PM in CGC of the proposal. ASI MORFEO (Monitoraggio del Rischio da Frana con tecnologie EO). € 5,138,092. [cp1].
• [ap6] From February 2017: member of the two years Fondazione Cariplo project STRESS: “Strategies, Tools, and new data for Resilient Smart Societies”, with the task of developing an algorithm for the detection and localization of land cover changes ascribable to slope instabilities.
Assignment letter signed by Dott. Fausto Guzzetti (Director), digital signature dated 12/2/17.

• [ap5] From November 2016: member of the four years NERC project Landslip: “Landslide multi-hazard risk assessment, preparedness and early warning in south Asia integrating meteorology, landscape and society” (, with the responsibility to coordinate and develop Task 4.2 “Developing semi-automatic remote sensing for landslide inventories” activities.
Assignment letter signed by Dott. Fausto Guzzetti (Director), digital signature dated 26/11/16.

• [ap4] From October 2016 Scientific Committee member of the two years Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano project ALPSMOTION: “ALPine Slow slope Movement monitoring and detection with remote and proximal sensing”.

• [ap3] From April 2016, Co-PI of the two years JAXA project: “Landslide Monitoring at Vegetated Areas Using L-band SqueeSAR Interferometry”. Purpose of the project is to investigate the potentialities of the ALOS-2 SAR system for landslide monitoring in non-favourable conditions of vegetation-covered areas.

• [ap2] From March 2015: member of the two years ESA project MEMpHIS: “Multi Scale and Multi Hazard Mapping Space Solutions” with the responsibility to coordinate and develop Task 2200 “characterization of EO-based solution” activities. Involved in WP1000 (“Assessing geo-information needs”), WP 4000 (“Trial cases”), and WP5000 (“Future space assets for DRR”) activities.
Achieved results:
(2015) D1.1_v1: Assessment of User Requirements. Co-author.
(2016) D5.1: Report of the assessment of requirements. Co-author.
(2016) D3.3 Report of trial cases plan.
Assignment letter signed by Dott. Fausto Guzzetti (Director), digital signature dated 1/7/2015.

• [ap1] From October 2014: CNR Scientific Investigator of the two years (extended) ESA SEOM Project “Land cover change detection and monitoring methodologies based on the combined use of S1 and S2 for natural resources and hazard management” (, with the responsibility of WP1000 (“Scientific Review and Requirement Consolidation”), and Task 1300 (“Algorithm Functional Definitions”).
Achieved results:
(2015) D1.1 Requirement Baseline (RB) Co-author.
(2015) D1.2 Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD) Document responsible and co-author.
(2016) D2.1 Detailed Processing Model (DPM) Co-author.
(2016) D2.2 Product Specification Document (PSD) Co-author.
(2016) D2.3 Product Validation Plan (PVP) Co-author.
(2016) D2.4 Product Validation Report (PVR) Co-author.
Assignment n.2818 (03/11/2014) signed by Dott. Fausto Guzzetti (Director).
Assignment letter signed by Dott. Fausto Guzzetti (Director), digital signature dated 2/3/2017

• [cp8] 2014-2016: Prime Investigator of a Cat-1 Formosat II with the Taiwanese Space Agency (NSPO) titled Spectral signatures library for semi-automatic event landslide recognition and mapping.

• [cp7] 2013-2016: Prime Investigator of a Cat-1 TSX-Archive-2012 project with the German Space Agency (DLR) titled “SAR change detection methodologies for event landslide mapping”.

• [cp6] 2013-2015: member of the two years FP7 LAMPRE (LAndslide Modelling and tools for vulnerability assessment Preparedness and REcovery Management) project Team, Leader of a research-working package called “Research and tools for triggered event landslide mapping.
Author and co-author of 9 project reports.
Assignment n.1494 (18/06/2013) signed by Dott. Fausto Guzzetti (Director).

• [cp5] 2013-2014: member of the two years project VIGOR ( co-funded by CNR (DTA) and Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico (DG-ENRE) in the POI “Energie Rinnovabili e Risparmio Energetico 2007/2013 framework for the preparation of the prospecting activities for the geothermic exploitation.
Assignment n. 2371 (21/10/2013) signed by Dott. Fausto Guzzetti (Director).

• [cp4] 2012-2013: Prime Investigator of a bilateral project between the National Science Council of Taiwan and the CNR titled “Unravelling the links between rainfall, seismicity, landsliding, slope denudation and sediment discharge in mountain belts with the aid of remotely sensed data”.

• [cp3] 2011: consultant for the project "Development and validation of a dynamic simulation model of landslide and debris flow" for Taiwan’s Soil and Water Conservation Bureau.

• [cp2] 2010-2013: member of the DORIS (Ground Deformations Risk Scenarios: an Advanced Assessment Service) project Team,, financed by EU, the European Union. Rif.: Research Executive Agency, prot. REA-S.2/CB/SD/mm D(2009)574, 16/7/2009, Signed Cristine Bernot
Co-author of 4 project reports.

• [cp1] 2007-2010: member of the MORFEO (Monitoraggio del Rischio da Frana con tecnologie EO) project Team, Financed by ASI, the Italian Space Agency. Rif.: ASI, Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, Prot. 0005115, of 7/11/2005, signed Luigi Demagistris; CNR IRPI, Il Direttore, signed Prof. Lucio Ubertini, 29/6/2004; Contract CGS n. 2092°/8/5, 28/2/2008].
Author and co-author of 73 project reports.
• (2008 - present) CNR Research Scientist at CNR IRPI
• (2005 - 2008) Researcher at Carlo Gavazzi Space (CGS)
• “Space4Energy” project (from 01.07 to 12.07),, financed by ESA, the European Space Agency. The main objective of the project was to evaluate the contribution of space technologies in terms of Earth Observation (EO), telecommunications and navigation, applied in the electrical power grids management, when distributed renewable energy plants are present in the grids. Coordinator of the technical proposal. Personal results: implementation of a method, based on Monte Carlo technique, for generating synthetic snow cover maps starting from snow cover maps retrieved by using EO data (ASTER and MODIS sensors) with different spatial resolutions and different spectral bands. Implementation of an assimilation strategy for synthetic maps into a hydrological model (GeoTOP).
• “Centro servizi di osservazione della terra per la provincia di Bolzano” project, Since 10.07, financed by EURAC. The goal was to build an Earth Observation Service Centre in the Bolzano province. Personal results: implementation of an algorithm for the automatic generation of glaciers maps and snow cover maps at high (IKONOS and QUICKBIRD) and medium (Spot and ASTER) resolution in IDL (ENVI platform).
• Proposal phase of the "Morfeo" project (from 05.05 to 06.07), stage C, D E1. In collaboration with CNR IRPI Perugia, coordinator of the team.
• "Promote" project Phase II (2006-2009),, financed by ESA. The main issue was to provide services for the Air Quality AQ monitoring by using EO data combined with Chemical Transport Models (CTM) and ground data. Coordinator of the internal activities (PM) and the activities related to the Users (ARPAs) and responsible for the assessment of the services results.
• “Eo-hydro” Project (from 05.05to 12.05) financed by ESA in the EOMD Earth Observation Marked Development platform. The main goal of the project was an hydro power market development based on EO use. Responsible for Snow Covered Areas SCA retrieved by satellite validation.

• (2004 - 2005) Technologist at the Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione dell’Ambiente (ARPA – Lombardia)
• Responsible for ARPA activities in the PROMOTE Project Phase I (2004-2005), financed by ESA, and the EU in the GMES framework. The main goal was to implement Air Quality monitoring services based on Earth Observation techniques. Responsible for the the NO2 monitoring service validation by using multi-sources data (ground data, Chemical Transport Models outputs and geostatistic techniques)
• Responsible for the monitoring of the Snow Water Equivalent SWE content in the alpine snowpack in Lombardia Region, the monitoring was integrated into a wider water sources management context.
• In collaboration with “Meteo” department of ARPA Lombardia, in charge of in situ data spatializing using geostatistical techniques, simple kriging and co-kriging.

• (2000 - 2004) Technologist at Bruker S.r.l.
• (1997 - 2000) Researcher at Pirelli Tyres S.p.A.
• (1995 - 1997) Information Technology specialist at DhL S.p.A.
• 2104 “Applicazioni del monitoraggio satellitare al dissesto idrogeologico” at the IInd level Master “Analisi e Mitigazione del Rischio Idrogeologico” A.A. 2013/2014. Centro di Ricerca CERI, Previsione, Prevenzione e Controllo dei Rischi Geologici, Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturali, Sapienza Università di Roma. 4 hours.
• 2105 “Applicazioni del monitoraggio satellitare al dissesto idrogeologico” at the IInd level Master “Analisi e Mitigazione del Rischio Idrogeologico” A.A. 2014/2015. Centro di Ricerca CERI, Previsione, Prevenzione e Controllo dei Rischi Geologici, Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturali, Sapienza Università di Roma. 4 hours.
• 2106 “Telerilevamento Ottico: teoria e pratica” at the IInd level Master “Analisi e Mitigazione del Rischio Idrogeologico” A.A. 2015/2016. Centro di Ricerca CERI, Previsione, Prevenzione e Controllo dei Rischi Geologici, Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturali, Sapienza Università di Roma. 4 hours.
• 2011 “Principi di Telerilevamento” at the XXVI PhD School of GeoSciences and Geotechnologies of the University of Perugia. 6 hours.
• [p20] Mondini, A.C., Chang, T-C., Chiang, S-H., Schlögel, R., Notarnicola, C., Saito, H. (2017) Automatic mapping of event landslides at basin scale in Taiwan using a Montecarlo approach and synthetic land cover fingerprints. Int J Appl Earth Obs Geoinformation 63. 112–121.
• [p19] Mondini, A.C. (2017) Measures of Spatial Autocorrelation Changes in Multitemporal SAR Images for Event Landslides Detection. Remote Sensing, 9(6), 554; doi:10.3390/rs9060554
• [p18] Mancinelli, P., Mondini, A.C., Pauselli, C., and Federico, C. (2015) Impact and admittance modelling of the Isidis Planitia, Mars. Planetary and Space Science. doi:10.1016/j.pss.2015.04.019.
• [p17] Reichenbach, P., Busca, C., Mondini, A.C., and Rossi, M. (2014). The influence of land use change on landslide susceptibility zonation: the Briga catchment test site (Messina, Italy). Environmental Management. Doi: 10.1007/s00267-014-0357-0.
• [p16] A.C. Mondini, A. Viero, M.Cavalli, L.Marchi, G.Herrera, and F.Guzzetti (2014). Comparison of event landslide inventories: the Pogliaschina catchment test case, Italy. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 14, 1749-1759, 2014.
• [p15] Mondini A.C., Chang K-T. (2014). Combining spectral and geoenvironmental information for probabilistic event landslide mapping. Geomorphology 213 183-189.
• [p14] Mancinelli P., Minelli F., Mondini A., Pauselli C., Federico C. (2014). A downscaling approach for geological characterization of the Raditladi basin of Mercury. Geological Society of London, Special Publications “Volcanism and Tectonism Across the Inner Solar System”. doi:10.1144/SP401.10.
• [p13] Chang K-t., Chiang S-h., Chen Y-c., Mondini A.C. (2014) Modeling the spatial occurrence of shallow landslides triggered by typhoons. Geomorphology 208 137-148. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2013.11.020.
• [p12] Mondini A.C., Marchesini I., Rossi M., Chang K-T., Pasquariello G., Guzzetti F. (2013). Bayesian framework for mapping and classifying shallow landslides exploiting remote sensing and topographic data. Geomorphology 201 135-147. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2013.06.015.
• [p11] Del Ventisette C., Ciampalini A., Manunta M., Calò F., Paglia L., Ardizzone F., Mondini A.C., Reichenbach P., Mateos R.M., Bianchini S., Garcia I., Füsi B., Deák Z.V., Rádi K., Graniczny M., Kovalski Z., Piatkovska A., Przylucka M., Retzo H., Strozzi T., Colombo D., Mora O., Sánchez F., Herrera G., Moretti S., Casagli N., Guzzetti F. (2013). Exploitation of Large Archives of ERS and ENVISAT C-Band SAR Data to Characterize Ground Deformations. Remote Sensing 5, 3896-3917; doi: 10.3390/rs5083896.
• [p10] Guzzetti F., Mondini A., Cardinali M., Fiorucci F., Santangelo M., Chank K-T. (2012). Landslide inventory maps: new tools for an old problem. Earth-Science Reviews 112 42-66. doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2012.02.001.
• [p9] Ardizzone F., Basile G., Cardinali M., Casagli N., Del Conte S., Del Ventisette C., Fiorucci F., Garfagnoli F., Gigli G., Guzzetti F., Iovine G., Mondini A.C., Moretti S., Panebianco M., Raspini F., Reichenbach P., Rossi M., Tanteri L., Terranova O. (2012). Landslide inventory map for the Briga and the Giampilieri catchments, NE Sicily, Italy, Journal of Maps 1-5 doi:10.1080/17445647.2012.694271.
• [p8] Chiang S-H, Chang K-T, Mondini A.C., Tsai B-W, Chen C-Y. (2011). Simulation of event-based landslides and debris flows at watershed level. Geomorphology 138 306-318. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2011.09.016.
• [p7] Mondini A.C., Chang K., Yin H.Y. (2011). Combining Multiple Change Detection Indices for Mapping Landslides Triggered by Typhoons. Geomorphology 134 440-451. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2011.07.021.
• [p6] Mondini A.C., Guzzetti F., Reichenbach P., Rossi M., Cardinali M., Ardizzone F. (2011). Semi-automatic recognition and mapping of shallow landslides using optical satellite images. Remote Sensing of Environment 115 1743-1757. doi:10.1016/j.rse.2011.03.006.
• [p5] Fiorucci F., Cardinali M., Carlà R., Rossi M., Mondini A.C., Santurri L., Ardizzone F., Guzzetti F. (2011). Seasonal landslide mapping and estimation of landslide mobilization rates using aerial and satellite images. Geomorphology 129 59-70. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2011.01.013.
• [p4] Santangelo M., Cardinali M., Rossi M., Mondini A.C., Guzzetti F. (2010) .Remote landslide mapping using a laser rangefinder binocular and GPS. NHESS 10 2539-2546. doi: 10.5194/nhess-10-2539-2010.
• [p3] Notarnicola C., and Mondini A.C. (2010). Use of historical orthophotos and digital elevation model to link watershed land use changes and storm flow response in a Karst environment. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing Vol. 3, 033574, doi: 10.1117/1.3284717.
• [p2] Rossi M., Guzzetti F., Reichenbach P., Mondini A., Peruccacci S. (2009) Optimal landslide susceptibility zonation based on multiple forecasts. Geomorphology, doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2009.06.020.
• [p1] Balconi C., Casagrande F., Lange W., Mondini A. (1996) Non-linear dinamics of passive coherently driven mesoscopic micromaser. Phys Rev. A 54 898 (1996) July.
• Sandro Moretti, Francesca Cigna, Gerald Bawden, Silvia Bianchini, Chiara Del Ventisette, Fausto Guzzetti Fausto, Gerardo Herrera, Christian Iasio, Stuart March, Jean-Philippe Malet, Alessandro Mondini, David Norbury, Hugo Raetzo, Federico Raspini, Stefan Schneiderbauer, Andre Stumpf, Janusz Wasowski, Marc Zebisch (2012). Perspectives concerning Satellite eo and Geohazard risk Management: landslide hazards. Satellite earthe observation for geohazard risk management. P. 61-80. Doi: 10.5270/esa-geo-hzrd-2012
• PPT-tool 1.039-1.1 Remote Sensing data and methodology for event landslide recognition and mapping. by Alessandro Cesare Mondini. ICL Landslide Teaching Tools, edited by Kyoji Sassa, Bin He, Mauri McSaveney, Osamu Nagai, and published by ICL & UNESCO [ISBN: 978-4-9903382-2-0] (2013).
• PPT-tool 2.039-1.1 Italian National Landslide Warning System. By Mauro Rossi, Ivan Marchesini, Gabriele Tonelli, Silvia Peruccacci, Maria Teresa Brunetti, Silvia Luciani, Francesca Ardizzone, Vinicio Balducci, Cinzia Bianchi, Mauro Cardinali, Federica Fiorucci, Alessandro Cesare Mondini, Paola Reichenbach, Paola Salvati, Michele Santangelo, Fausto Guzzetti. ICL Landslide Teaching Tools, edited by Kyoji Sassa, Bin He, Mauri McSaveney, Osamu Nagai, and published by ICL & UNESCO [ISBN: 978-4-9903382-2-0].
• Rossi M. et al. (2015) Slope Dynamics and Climatic Change Through Indirect Interactions. In: Lollino G., Manconi A., Clague J., Shan W., Chiarle M. (eds) Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 1. Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-09300-0_103
• Reichenbach P., Busca C., Mondini A.C., Rossi M. (2015) Land Use Change Scenarios and Landslide Susceptibility Zonation: The Briga Catchment Test Area (Messina, Italy). In: Lollino G., Manconi A., Clague J., Shan W., Chiarle M. (eds) Engineering Geology for Society and Territory - Volume 1. Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-09300-0_104.
• M. Manunta et al., "The European DORIS downstream service as a multi-scale system for landslides and subsidence risk management," 2013 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium - IGARSS, Melbourne, VIC, 2013, pp. 33-36. doi: 10.1109/IGARSS.2013.6721085.
• Mauro Rossi ; Dalia Kirschbaum ; Silvia Luciani ; Alessandro C. Mondini ; Fausto Guzzetti; TRMM satellite rainfall estimates for landslide early warning in Italy: preliminary results. Proc. SPIE 8523, Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere, Clouds, and Precipitation IV, 85230D (November 8, 2012); doi:10.1117/12.979672.
• Alessandro C. Mondini ; Kang-tsung Chang ; Mauro Rossi ; Ivan Marchesini ; Fausto Guzzetti; Semi-automatic recognition and mapping of event-induced landslides by exploiting multispectral satellite images and DEM in a Bayesian framework. Proc. SPIE 8524, Land Surface Remote Sensing, 852415 (November 21, 2012); doi:10.1117/12.977432.
• F. Ardizzone; M. Rossi; F. Calò; L. Paglia; M. Manunta; A. C. Mondini; G. Zeni; P. Reichenbach; R. Lanari; F. Guzzetti; Preliminary analysis of a correlation between ground deformations and rainfall: the Ivancich landslide, central Italy. Proc. SPIE 8179, SAR Image Analysis, Modeling, and Techniques XI, 81790L (October 26, 2011); doi:10.1117/12.899453.
• Santurri, L., Carlà, R., Fiorucci, F., Aiazzi, B., Baronti, S., Cardinali, M., Mondini, A., 2010. Assessment of very high resolution satellite data fusion techniques for landslide recognition. ISPRS TC VII Symposium. IAPRS, Vienna, Austria, XXXVIII (7B), pp. 492–496.
• Rossi, M., Peruccacci, S., Brunetti, M. T., Marchesini, I., Luciani, S., Ardizzone, F., Balducci, V., Bianchi, C., Cardinali, M., Fiorucci, F., Mondini, A. C., Reichenbach, P., Salvati, P., Santangelo,
• M., Bartolini, D., Gariano, S. L., Palladino, M., Vessia, G., Viero, A., Antronico, L., Borselli, L., Deganutti, A. M., Iovine, G., Luino, F., Parise, M., Polemio, M., and Guzzetti, F.: SANF: National warning system for rainfall-induced landslides in Italy, in: Landslides and Engineered Slopes, Protecting Society through Improved Understanding, edited by: Eberhardt, E., Froese, C., Turner, A. K., and Leroueil, S., Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-415-62123-6, 1895–1899, 2012.
• 6 February 2013: “Dottore di Ricerca in Scienze della Terra e Geotecnologie” (PhD), XXV Ciclo. Tutor: dott. F.Guzzetti. Thesis title: “Remote Sensing data and methodologies for event landslide recognition and mapping at catchment scale”.
• From June 2010 to August 2010: Summer Program in Taiwan 2010 for Italian Graduate Students in the Geography department of the National Taiwan University.
• 23 November 1995: “Laurea di Dottore in Fisica”, (108/110) – Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche, e Natuali, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milano. Tutor: prof. F. Casagrande; co-tutor: dott. F.Castelli. Dissertation in Quantum optics titled: “dinamica non lineare di un micromaser a regime mesoscopico”.
• Good: IDL, ENVI, SNAP, Moderate: Grass, Qgis, Beginner: python, Latex
• Good: English, Intermediate: French, Beginner Korean
From 2016 involved in the activities concerning the seismic crises in Italy (Assignment letter signed by Dott. Fausto Guzzetti (Director), digital signature dated 2/7/2015).
• From 2016 member of the International Geographic Union (IGU) Hazard and Risk commission Board headed by Professor Takashi Oguchi (University of Tokyo).
• From 2016 CNR-IRPI contact person for the Italian Group on Earth Observations GEO ITALY (
• From 2016 CNR-IRPI contact person for the CEOS Landslide Pilot.
• In 2015 reviewer for the Geological Survey of Ireland Research Programme.
• From 2015 Remote Sensing “cultore della materia” for the University of Perugia: exams commissioner for the course “Telerilevamento”, GEO/04, University of Perugia.
• From 2014 Member of the “Associazione Italiana Telerilevamento” A.I.T.
• In 2012 Assistant supervisor master thesis of Claudia Busca “Dissesto idrogeologico nel bacino del fiume Briga, Sicilia orientale: uso e gestione del territorio dal 1954 ad oggi”. Supervisor: Fausto Marincioni. Università Politecnica delle Marche, Department of Life and Environmental Sciences DiSVA.
• In 2011 Supervisor of Dott. Paola Cardozo in the “Emergency Early Warning and Response Space Applications (AEARTE)” Master Program funded by Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE) Argentina.
• From 2011 CNR-IRPI contact person for the space platform Spin-IT (
• Reviewer for Remote Sensing of Environment RSE, Remote Sensing, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing JARS, Engineering Geology ENGEO, Bulletin of Engineering Geology BOEG, Geomorphology.
• Member of 3 commissions for internal (CNR) personal selection
• Contractual status: “Ricercatore III Livello 3° Fascia con decorrenza livello da 02/01/2008 [Rif. Tribunale Ordinario di Perugia, Sezione Lavoro, Sentenza n. 374/2016 pubbl. il 12/10/2016 RG n. 402/2015, Allegato 86]”.

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last modified 2023-06-06T09:02:51+02:00