
Estimation of the probability density of landslide volume data

The folder contains a script for the R free software environment for statistical computing ( to determine the probability density of landslide volume data, using kernel density estimation (KDE). The folder also contains two demonstrative data sets, and a file with illustrative results. The script was prepared by Maria Teresa Brunetti (

Self-explanatory R script to investigate the statistics of landslide volumes. See: Brunetti M.T., Guzzetti F. & Rossi, M. (2009) Power-law correlations of landslide volumes. "Non Linear Processes in Geophysics", 16, pp. 179-188.


First demonstrative data set. Lists the volume (in cubic meters) of 133 rock falls and rock slides triggered by multiple earthquakes in the Umbria-Marche region, central Italy, from September to October 1997. See: Antonini G., Ardizzone F., Cardinali M., Galli M., Guzzetti F. & Reichenbach P. (2002) Surface deposits and landslide inventory map of the area affected by the 1997 Umbria-Marche earthquakes. Bollettino Società Geologica Italiana, Volume Speciale 1, 843-853.


Second demonstrative data set. Lists the volume (in cubic meters) of 62 rock falls triggered by the October 14, 1997 earthquake in the Umbria-Marche region, central Italy. See: (a) Antonini G., Ardizzone F., Cardinali M., Galli M., Guzzetti F. & Reichenbach P. (2002) Surface deposits and landslide inventory map of the area affected by the 1997 Umbria-Marche earthquakes. Bollettino Società Geologica Italiana, Volume Speciale 1, 843-853; (b) Guzzetti F., Reichenbach P. & Ghigi S. (2004) Rockfall hazard and risk assessment in the Nera River Valley, Umbria Region, central Italy. Environmental Management 34:2, 191-208.


The pdf file contains a set of illustrative plots, that can be used to test the script using the two demonstration data sets given above.


All of the above files, in a single zipped package.

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last modified 2018-02-16T11:59:08+02:00