

Papers, reports, and maps for the Umbria region, Central Italy.

Landslides triggered by an extraordinary rainfall event in Central Italy on September 15, 2022

Donnini, M., Santangelo, M., Gariano, S. L., Bucci, F., Peruccacci, S., Alvioli, M., Althuwaynee, O., Ardizzone, F., Bianchi, C., Bornaetxea, T., Brunetti, M. T. , Cardinali, M., Esposito, G., Grita, S., Marchesini, I., Melillo, M., Salvati, P. , Yazdani, M., Fiorucci, F. (2023). Landslides triggered by an extraordinary rainfall event in Central Italy on September 15, 2022. Landslides (2023).

Criteria for the optimal selection of remote sensing optical images to map event landslides

Fiorucci, F., Giordan, D., Santangelo, M., Dutto, F., Rossi, M., and Guzzetti, F.: Criteria for the optimal selection of remote sensing optical images to map event landslides, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 18, 405-417,, 2018.

Implementing landslide path dependency in landslide susceptibility modelling

Samia J., Temme A., Bregt A., Wallinga J., Stuiver J., Guzzetti F., Ardizzone F., Rossi M. (2018) Implementing landslide path dependency in landslide susceptibility modelling. Landslides 15(11), 2129–2144,

Implications of climate change on landslide hazard in Central Italy

Alvioli M., Melillo M., Guzzetti F., Rossi F., Palazzi E., von Hardenberg J., Brunetti M. T., Peruccacci S. (2018). Implications of climate change on landslide hazard in Central Italy. Science of the Total Environment, 630, 1528-1543.

Automatic delineation of geomorphological slope units with r.slopeunits v1.0 and their optimization for landslide susceptibility modeling

Alvioli, M., Marchesini, M., Reichenbach, P., Rossi, M., Ardizzone, F., Fiorucci, F., Guzzetti, F. (2016). Automatic delineation of geomorphological slope units with r.slopeunits v1.0 and their optimization for landslide susceptibility modeling. Geoscientific Model Development, 9, 3975-3991. DOI:10.5194/gmd-9-3975-2016

Do landslides follow landslides? Insights in path dependency from a multi-temporal landslide inventory

Samia J., Temme A., Bregt A., Wallinga J., Guzzetti F., Ardizzone F., Mauro R. (2016) Do landslides follow landslides? Insights in path dependency from a multi-temporal landslide inventory. Landslides, doi:10.1007/s10346-015-0630-1.

The Use of Stereoscopic Satellite Images to Map Rills and Ephemeral Gullies

Federica Fiorucci, Francesca Ardizzone, Mauro Rossi, Dino Torri. The Use of Stereoscopic Satellite Images to Map Rills and Ephemeral Gullies, Remote Sensing, 2015, 7, 14151-14178; DOI: 10.3390/rs71014151

Assessing the influence of morpho-structural setting on landslide abundance

Marchesini I, Santangelo M., Guzzetti F., Cardinali M., Bucci F. (2015) Assessing the influence of morpho-structural setting on landslide abundance. Georisk: Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineered Systems and Geohazards, Vol. 9, No. 4, 261–271, doi:10.1080/17499518.2015.1058956.

A strategy for GIS-based 3D slope stability modelling over large areas

Mergili M., Marchesini I., Alvioli M., Metz M., Schneider-Muntau B., Rossi M., Guzzetti F. (2014) A strategy for GIS-based 3D slope stability modelling over large areas. Geoscientific Model Development, 7, 2969-2982, doi:10.5194/gmd-7-2969-2014.

Landslide analysis through the multi-sensor sbas-dinsar approach: the case study of Assisi, Central Italy

Calò F., Ardizzone F., Castaldo R., Guzzetti F., Lanari R., Paglia L., Manunta M. (2013) Landslide analysis through the multi-sensor sbas-dinsar approach: the case study of Assisi, Central Italy. Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2013, Melbourne, 21-26 July 2013, 2916-2919, doi:10.1109/IGARSS.2013.6723435.

GIS-based deterministic analysis of deep-seated slope stability in a complex geological setting

Mergili M., Marchesini I., Alvioli M., Rossi M., Santangelo M., Cardinali M., Ardizzone F., Fiorucci F., Schneider-Muntau B., Fellin W., Guzzetti F. (2015) GIS-based deterministic analysis of deep-seated slope stability in a complex geological setting. Lollino et al. (eds.), Engineering Geology for Society and Territory – Volume 2, 1437-1440, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-09057-3_254.

Slope dynamics and climatic change through indirect interactions

Rossi M., Torri D., Santi E., Bacaro G., Marchesini I., Mondini A.C., Felicioni G. (2015) Slope dynamics and climatic change through indirect interactions. Lollino et al. (eds.), Engineering Geology for Society and Territory – Volume 1, 551-555, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-09300-0_103.

Slope stability scaling laws within physically based models and their modifications under varying triggering conditions

Alvioli M., Rossi M., Guzzetti F. (2015) Slope stability scaling laws within physically based models and their modifications under varying triggering conditions. Lollino et al. (eds.), Engineering Geology for Society and Territory – Volume 1, 547-550, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-09300-0_102.

A strategy for GIS-based 3-D slope stability modelling over large areas

Mergili M., Marchesini I., Alvioli M., Metz M., Schneider-Muntau B., Rossi M., Guzzetti F. (2014) A strategy for GIS-based 3-D slope stability modelling over large areas. Geoscientific Model Development Discussion, 7, 5407-5445,, doi:10.5194/gmdd-7-5407-2014.

An open source GIS tool to quantify the visual impact of wind turbines and photovoltaic panels

Minelli A., Marchesini I., Taylor F. E., De Rosa P., Casagrande L., Cenci M. (2014) An open source GIS tool to quantify the visual impact of wind turbines and photovoltaic panels. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 49, 70-78, doi: 10.1016/j.eiar.2014.07.002.

A GIS Approach to Analysis of Deep-Seated Slope Stability in Complex Geology

Marchesini I., Mergili M., Rossi M., Santangelo M., Cardinali M., Ardizzone F., Fiorucci F., Schneider-Muntau B., Fellin W., Guzzetti F. (2014) A GIS Approach to Analysis of Deep-Seated Slope Stability in Complex Geology. Proceedings of the 3rd World Landslide Forum, 2-6 June 2014, Beijing, Paper n. 1395, Published in: Sassa K., Canuti P., Yin Y., Landslide Science for a Safer Geoenvironment, Volume 2, Springer, 483-489, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-05050-8_75.

Topographic and pedological rainfall thresholds for the prediction of shallow landslides in central Italy

Peruccacci S., Brunetti M.T., Luciani S., Calzolari M.C., Bartolini D., Guzzetti F. (2014) Topographic and pedological rainfall thresholds for the prediction of shallow landslides in central Italy. Proceedings of the 3rd World Landslide Forum, 2-6 June 2014, Beijing, Paper n. 1365, Published in: Sassa K., Canuti P., Yin Y., Landslide Science for a Safer Geoenvironment, Volume 3, Springer, 299-304, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-04996-0_46.

A method for the assessment of the influence of bedding on landslide abundance and types

Santangelo M., Marchesini I., Cardinali M., Fiorucci F., Rossi M., Bucci F., Guzzetti F. (2014) A method for the assessment of the influence of bedding on landslide abundance and types. Landslides, 12, 295-309, doi: 10.1007/s10346-014-0485-x.

Scaling properties of rainfall induced landslides predicted by a physically based model

Alvioli M., Guzzetti F., Rossi M. (2014) Scaling properties of rainfall induced landslides predicted by a physically based model. Geomorphology, 213, 38-87, doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2013.12.039.

Improving predictive power of physically based rainfall-induced shallow landslide models: a probabilistic approach

Raia S., Alvioli M., Rossi M., Baum R.L., Godt J.W., Guzzetti F. (2014) Improving predictive power of physically based rainfall-induced shallow landslide models: a probabilistic approach. Geoscientific Model Development, 7, 495-514 doi: 10.5194/gmd-7-495-2014,

Spatially distributed three-dimensional slope stability modelling in a raster GIS

Mergili M., Marchesini I., Rossi M., Guzzetti F., Fellin W. (2014) Spatially distributed three-dimensional slope stability modelling in a raster GIS. Geomorphology, 206, 178-195, doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2013.10.008.

Enhanced landslide investigations through advanced DInSAR techniques: the Ivancich case study, Assisi, Italy

Calò F., Ardizzone F., Castaldo R., Lollino P., Tizzani P., Guzzetti F., Lanari R., Angeli M.G., Pontoni F., Manunta M. (2014) Enhanced landslide investigations through advanced DInSAR techniques: the Ivancich case study, Assisi, Italy. Remote Sensing of Environment, 142, 69-82.

A GIS Method for Obtaining Geologic Bedding Attitude

Marchesini I., Santangeolo M., Fiorucci F., Cardinali M., Rossi M., Guzzetti F. (2013) A GIS Method for Obtaining Geologic Bedding Attitude. In: Landslide Science and Practice, Margottini C., Canuti P., Sassa K. (eds.), Vol. 1, 243-247, doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-31325-7_32.

Very-High Resolution Stereoscopic Satellite Images for Landslide Mapping

Ardizzone F., Fiorucci F., Santangelo M., Cardinali M., Mondini A.C., Rossi M., Reichenbach P., Guzzetti F. (2013) Very-High Resolution Stereoscopic Satellite Images for Landslide Mapping. In: Landslide Science and Practice, Margottini C., Canuti P., Sassa K. (eds.), Vol. 1, 95-101, doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-31325-7_12.

Improving predictive power of physically based rainfall-induced shallow landslide models: a probabilistic approach

Raia, S., Alvioli, M., Rossi, M., Baum, R. L., Godt, J. W., Guzzetti, F. (2013) Improving predictive power of physically based rainfall-induced shallow landslide models: a probabilistic approach. Geoscientific Model Development Discussion, 6, 1367-1426, doi:10.5194/gmdd-6-1367-2013.

RMM satellite rainfall estimates for landslide early warning in Italy: preliminary results

Rossi M., Kirschbaum D., Luciani S., Mondini A.C., Guzzetti F. (2012) TRMM satellite rainfall estimates for landslide early warning in Italy: preliminary results. Proceedings SPIE Asia-Pacific Remote Sensing, 29 October – 1 November, 2012, Kyoto, Japan, Vol. 8523 85230D-1.

Seasonal landslides mapping and estimation of landslide mobilization rates using aerial and satellite images

Fiorucci F., Cardinali M., Carlà R., Rossi M., Mondini A.C., Santurri L., Ardizzone F., Guzzetti F. (2011) Seasonal landslides mapping and estimation of landslide mobilization rates using aerial and satellite images. Geomorphology, 129(1-2), 59–70, doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2011.01.013.

Landslide volumes and landslide mobilization rates in Umbria, central Italy

Guzzetti F., Ardizzone F., Cardinali M., Rossi M. & Valigi D. (2009) Landslide volumes and landslide mobilization rates in Umbria, central Italy. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Vol. 279, 222–229, DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2009.01.005.

Landslide hazard assessment, vulnerability estimation and risk evaluation: an example from the Collazzone area (central Umbria, Italy)

Guzzetti F., Reichenbach P., Ardizzone F., Cardinali M., Galli M. (2009) Landslide hazard assessment, vulnerability estimation and risk evaluation: an example from the Collazzone area (central Umbria, Italy). Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria, Vol. 32, no. 2, 183-192.

Analysis of ground deformation detected using the SBASS-DInSAR technique in Umbria, Central Italy

Guzzetti F., Manunta M., Ardizzone F., Pepe A., Cardinali M., Zeni G., Reichenbach P. & Lanari R. (2009) Analysis of ground deformation detected using the SBASS-DInSAR technique in Umbria, Central Italy. Pure and Applied Geophysics, Vol. 166, doi: 10.1007/s00024-009-0491-4.

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published on 2011/08/31 12:15:00 GMT+2 last modified 2018-02-19T13:33:19+02:00