Turcotte D.L., Malamud B.D., Guzzetti F. & Reichenbach P. (2002) Self-organization, the cascade model, and natural hazards. Proceedings National Academy of Sciences, USA, February 2002, Vol. 99, Supp. 1, 2530-2537.
Recent papers
Guzzetti F., Malamud B.D., Turcotte D.L. & Reichenbach P. (2002) Power-law correlations of landslide areas in Central Italy. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Vol. 195: 169-183.
Guzzetti F., Cardinali M., Reichenbach P. & Carrara A. (2000) Comparing landslide maps: A case study in the upper Tiber River Basin, central Italy. Environmental Management, Vol. 25: 3, 247-363. DOI: 10.1007/s002679910020.
Carrara A., Cardinali M., Guzzetti F., Reichenbach P. (1995) GIS technology in mapping landslide hazard. In: Carrara A., Guzzetti F. (eds.), Geographical Information Systems in Assessing Natural Hazards. Kluwer Academic Publisher, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 135-175, ISBN-10: 0792335023, ISBN-13: 9780792335023.
Carrara A., Guzzetti F., Cardinali M. & Reichenbach P. (1999) Use of GIS Technology in the Prediction and Monitoring of Landslide Hazard. Natural Hazards, Vol. 20: 2-3, 117-135.
Guzzetti F., Carrara A., Cardinali M. & Reichenbach P. (1999) Landslide hazard evaluation: a review of current techniques and their application in a multi-scale study, Central Italy. Geomorphology, Vol. 31, 181-216.
De Vita P. & Reichenbach P., with contributions by Bathurst J.C., Borga M., Crosta G., Crozier M., Glade T., Guzzetti F., Hansen A., Wasowski J. (1998) Rainfall-triggered landslides: a reference list. Environmental Geology, Vol. 35: 2-3, 219-233.
Reichenbach P., Cardinali M., De Vita L. & Guzzetti F. (1998) Regional hydrological thresholds for landslides and floods in the Tiber River basin (Central Italy). Environmental Geology, Vol. 35: 2-3, 146-159.
Guzzetti F., Marchetti M. & Reichenbach P. (1997) Large alluvial fans in the north-central Po-Plain (Northern Italy). Geomorphology, Vol. 18, 119-136.
Guzzetti F. & Reichenbach P. (1994) Toward the definition of topographic divisions of Italy. Geomorphology, Vol. 11, 57-74.
Guzzetti F., Cardinali M. & Reichenbach P. (1994) The AVI Project: A bibliographical and archive inventory of landslides and floods in Italy. Environmental Management, Vol. 18, 623-633.
Barchi M., Cardinali M., Guzzetti F., Lemmi M. (1993) Relazioni fra movimenti di versante e fenomeni tettonici nell'area del M. Coscerno - M. di Civitella, Val Nerina (Umbria). Bollettino della Società Geologica Italiana, (ora Italian Journal of Geosciences), Vol. 112, 83-111.
Carrara A., Cardinali M. & Guzzetti F. (1992) Uncertainty in assessing landslide hazard and risk. ITC Journal, The Netherlands, Vol. 2, 172-183.
Carrara A., Cardinali M., Detti R., Guzzetti F., Pasqui V. & Reichenbach P. (1991) GIS Techniques and statistical models in evaluating landslide hazard. Earth Surface Processes and Landform. Vol. 16: 5, 427-445.
Guzzetti F. & Cardinali M. (1991) Debris-flow phenomena in the Central Apennines of Italy. TerraNova, Vol. 3, 619-627.
Guzzetti F. (2000) Landslide fatalities and evaluation of landslide risk in Italy. Engineering Geology, Vol. 58: 89-107.
Cardinali M., Dragoni W., Guzzetti F. (1989) Prime osservazioni sui probabili fenomeni gravitativi del Monte Coscerno (Valle del Nera, Appennino umbro-marchigiano). Bollettino della Società Geologica Italiana, (ora Italian Journal of Geosciences), Vol. 108, 373-378.
alconi C., Casagrande F., Mondini A.C. (1996) Nonlinear dynamics of a passive, coherently driven mesoscopic micromaser. Physical Review A, Vol. 54, n. 1, 898-907.
Guzzetti F. (1987) Relationships between the internal and external evolution of the Monte Cucco karst area. Umbria, Central Italy. International Journal of Speleology, Vol. 16, 111-124.
Barchi M., Guzzetti F., Lavecchia G., Lolli O., Bontempo R. (1987) Sezioni geologiche bilanciate attraverso il sistema a pieghe umbro-marchigiano: 1. la sezione Trevi-Valle dell'Ambro. Bollettino della Società Geologica Italiana (ora Italian Journal of Geosciences), Vol. 107, 109-130.
Minelli G., Barchi M., Guzzetti F. (1986) Analisi preliminare geologico-strutturale dell'area dei massicci perugini (Umbria occidentale). Bollettino della Società Geologica Italiana, (ora Italian Journal of Geosciences), Vol. 105, 225-232
Minelli G., Barchi M., Guzzetti F. (1986) Un programma di calcolo per la determinazione dei parametri statistici relativi a distribuzioni di dati proiettati su reticolo di Schmidt (Geo1). Bollettino della Società Geologica Italiana, (ora Italian Journal of Geosciences), Vol. 105: 1-2, 123-130.
Gariano S.L., Petrucci O., Guzzetti F., (2015) Changes in the occurrence of rainfall-induced landslides in Calabria, southern Italy, in the 20th century. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 15, 2313-2330, doi:10.5194/nhess-15-1-2015.
Article entitled "Geographical landslide early warning systems" published on "Earth-Science Reviews" Journal. Earth-Science Reviews 200 (2020) 102973 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2019.102973
Article entitled "Determination of Empirical Rainfall Thresholds for Shallow Landslides in Slovenia Using an Automatic Tool" by Galena Jordanova, Stefano Luigi Gariano, Massimo Melillo, Silvia Peruccacci, Maria Teresa Brunetti, Mateja Jemec Auflič published on the journal Water Water 2020, 12(5), 1449; https://doi.org/10.3390/w12051449
Reichenbach P., Rossi M., Malamud B.D., Mihir M., Guzzetti F. (2018) A review of statistically-based landslide susceptibility models. Earth-Science Reviews 180, 60–91, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2018.03.001.
Segoni S., Piciullo L., Gariano S.L. (2018) Preface of the special issue "Landslide early warning systems: monitoring systems, rainfall thresholds, warning models, performance evaluation and risk perception”, on Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences journal. doi: 10.5194/nhess-18-3179-2018 [https://www.nat-hazards-earth-syst-sci.net/18/3179/2018/]
Terranova O., Gariano S.L., Iaquinta P., Lupiano V., Rago V., Iovine G. (2018) “Examples of Application of GASAKe for Predicting the Occurrence of Rainfall-Induced Landslides in Southern Italy”, Geosciences, 8, 78; doi:10.3390/geosciences8020078. [http://www.mdpi.com/2076-3263/8/2/78]
Article entitled "Rainfall and rockfalls in the Canary Islands: assessing a seasonal link" by Massimo Melillo, Stefano Luigi Gariano, Silvia Peruccacci, Roberto Sarro, Rosa Marìa Mateos, and Maria Teresa Brunetti published on the journal Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5194/nhess-20-2307-2020 . The article was prepared in collaboration with colleagues from the "Instituto Geológico y Minero de España" in the framework of the U-Geohaz project (Geohazard Impact Assessment for Urban Areas). The article was published open access and can be found at the following link: https://nhess.copernicus.org/articles/20/2307/2020/