Fiorucci, F., Giordan, D., Santangelo, M., Dutto, F., Rossi, M., and Guzzetti, F.: Criteria for the optimal selection of remote sensing optical images to map event landslides, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 18, 405-417,, 2018.
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Schlögel, R., Marchesini, I., Alvioli, M., Reichenbach, P., Rossi, M., Malet, J.-P. (2018). Optimizing landslide susceptibility zonation: effects of DEM spatial resolution and slope unit delineation for logistic regression models. Geomorphology, 301, 10-20.
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Martina Wilde, Andreas Günther, Paola Reichenbach, Jean-Philippe Malet & Javier Hervás (2018) Pan-European landslide susceptibility mapping: ELSUS Version 2, Journal of Maps, 14:2, 97-104, DOI: 10.1080/17445647.2018.1432511
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Francesco Mirabella, Francesco Bucci, Michele Santangelo, Mauro Cardinali, Grazia Caielli, Roberto De Franco, Fausto Guzzetti & Massimiliano R. Barchi
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Federica Fiorucci, Francesca Ardizzone, Alessandro Cesare Mondini, Alessia Viero, Fausto Guzzetti.
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Federico Di Rita, William J. Fletcher, Josu Aranbarri, Giulia Margaritelli, Fabrizio Lirer & Donatella Magri SciEnTific ReportS | (2018) 8:8929 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-27056-2
Petrucci O., Salvati P., Aceto L., Bianchi C., Pasqua A.A., Rossi M., Guzzetti F. (2018) The Vulnerability of People to Damaging Hydrogeological Events in the Calabria Region (Southern Italy). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15, 48, doi:10.3390/ijerph15010048
Roccati A., Faccini F., Luino F., Turconi L., Guzzetti F. (2018) Rainfall events with shallow landslides in the Entella catchment (Liguria, Northern Italy). Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 18, 2367-2386,
Schlögel R., Marchesini I., Alvioli M., Reichenbach P., Rossi M., Malet J.-P. (2018) Optimizing landslide susceptibility zonation: Effects of DEM spatial resolution and slope unit delineation on logistic regression models. Geomorphology 301, 10-20,