
Recent papers

Here we list the most recent publications of members of the group ...

Santangelo, M., Alvioli, M., Baldo, M., Cardinali, M., Giordan, D., Guzzetti, F., Marchesini, F., Reichenbach, P. (2019). Brief communication: Remotely piloted aircraft systems for rapid emergency response: road exposure to rockfall in Villanova di Accumoli (central Italy). Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 19, 325–335.


Guzzetti F. (2018) Rischi naturali: l’urgenza di una scienza nuova. In: Caporale C., Maffei L., Marchis V., De Martin J.D. (eds.) Europa, Le Sfide della Scienza (eds.), Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, Treccani, ISBN 978-88-12-00653-3, 127-133.


Alvioli M., Melillo M., Guzzetti F., Rossi F., Palazzi E., von Hardenberg J., Brunetti M. T., Peruccacci S. (2018). Implications of climate change on landslide hazard in Central Italy. Science of the Total Environment, 630, 1528-1543.

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published on 2011/08/31 12:15:00 GMT+2 last modified 2018-06-25T12:27:18+02:00