

Papers, reports, and maps for Italy.

Gender, age and circumstances analysis of flood and landslide fatalities in Italy

Paola Salvati, Olga Petrucci, Mauro Rossi, Cinzia Bianchi, Aurora A. Pasqua, Fausto Guzzetti published in Science of the Total Environment. Available at

Impact of event landslides on road networks: a statistical analysis of two Italian case studies

Donnini M., Napolitano E., Salvati P., Ardizzone F., Bucci F., Fiorucci F., Santangelo M., Cardinali M., Guzzetti F. "Impact of event landslides on road networks: a statistical analysis of two Italian case studies" Landslide. DOI 10.1007/s10346-017-0829-4

Exploring the effects of seismicity on landslides and catchment sediment yield: an Italian case study

Vanmaercke M., Ardizzone F., Rossi M., Guzzetti F. (2017) Exploring the effects of seismicity on landslides and catchment sediment yield: an Italian case study. Geomorphology 278, 171-183, doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2016.11.010.

Automatic delineation of geomorphological slope units with r.slopeunits v1.0 and their optimization for landslide susceptibility modeling

Alvioli, M., Marchesini, M., Reichenbach, P., Rossi, M., Ardizzone, F., Fiorucci, F., Guzzetti, F. (2016). Automatic delineation of geomorphological slope units with r.slopeunits v1.0 and their optimization for landslide susceptibility modeling. Geoscientific Model Development, 9, 3975-3991. DOI:10.5194/gmd-9-3975-2016

Taking Advantage of the ESA G-POD Service to Study Ground Deformation Processes in High Mountain Areas: A Valle d’Aosta Case Study, Northern Italy

Martina Cignetti, Andrea Manconi, Michele Manunta, Daniele Giordan, Claudio De Luca, Paolo Allasia and Francesca Ardizzone (2016) Taking Advantage of the ESA G-POD Service to Study Ground Deformation Processes in High Mountain Areas: A Valle d’Aosta Case Study, Northern Italy. Remote Sens. 2016, 8, 852; doi:10.3390/rs8100852

Communication strategies to address geohydrological risks: the POLARIS web initiative in Italy

Paola Salvati, Umberto Pernice, Cinzia Bianchi, Ivan Marchesini, Federica Fiorucci, and Fausto Guzzetti. Published in the NHESS Special Issue: Effective Science Communication and Education in Hydrology and Natural Hazards. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 16, 1–11, 2016.

Landslide Risk to the Population of Italy and Its Geographical and Temporal Variations

Paola Salvati, Mauro Rossi, Cinzia Bianchi, and Fausto Guzzetti Extreme Events: Observations, Modeling, and Economics, Geophysical Monograph 214, First Edition. Edited by Mario Chavez, Michael Ghil, and Jaime Urrutia-Fucugauchi. © 2016 American Geophysical Union. Published 2016 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Chemical weathering and consumption of atmospheric carbon dioxide in the Alpine region

Donnini M., Frondini F., Probst J.-L., Probst A., Cardellini C., Marchesini I., Guzzetti F. (2016) Chemical weathering and consumption of atmospheric carbon dioxide in the Alpine region. Global and Planetary Change, 136, 65-81. doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2015.10.017.

An approach to reduce mapping errors in the production of landslide inventory maps

M. Santangelo, I. Marchesini, F. Bucci, M. Cardinali, F. Fiorucci, and F. Guzzetti, (2015). An approach to reduce mapping errors in the production of landslide inventory maps. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 15, 2111–2126, 2015. doi:10.5194/nhess-15-2111-2015.

Dynamic weakening along incipient low-angle normal faults in pelagic limestones (Southern Apennines, Italy)

Novellino R., Prosser G., Spiess R., Viti C., Agosta F., Tavarnelli E., Bucci, F. (2014). Dynamic weakening along incipient low-angle normal faults in pelagic limestones (Southern Apennines, Italy). Journal of the Geological Society, London, doi:10.1144/jgs2014-091

Elementi per una Strategia Nazionale di Adattamento ai Cambiamenti Climatici

Castellari S., Venturini S., Giordano F., Ballarin Denti A., Bigano A., Bindi M., Bosello F., Carrera L., Chiriacò M.V., Danovaro R., Desiato F., Filpa A., Fusani S., Gatto M., Gaudioso D., Giovanardi O., Giupponi C., Gualdi S., Guzzetti F., Lapi M., Luise A., Marino G., Mysiak J., Montanari A., Pasella D., Pierantonelli L., Ricchiuti A., Rudari R., Sabbioni C., Sciortino M., Sinisi L., Valentini R., Viaroli P., Vurro M., Zavatarelli M. (2014) Elementi per una Strategia Nazionale di Adattamento ai Cambiamenti Climatici. Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare, Roma, ISBN 9788887728071, 245 p.

Rapporto sullo stato delle conoscenze scientifiche su impatti, vulnerabilità ed adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici in Italia

Castellari S., Venturini S., Ballarin Denti A., Bigano A., Bindi M., Bosello F., Carrera L., Chiriacò M.V., Danovaro R., Desiato F., Filpa A., Gatto M., Gaudioso D., Giovanardi O., Giupponi C., Gualdi S., Guzzetti F., Lapi M., Luise A., Marino G., Mysiak J., Montanari A., Ricchiuti A., Rudari R., Sabbioni C., Sciortino M., Sinisi L., Valentini R., Viaroli P., Vurro M., Zavatarelli M. (2014) Rapporto sullo stato delle conoscenze scientifiche su impatti, vulnerabilità ed adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici in Italia. Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare, Roma, ISBN 9788887728095, 878 p.

Perception of Flood and Landslide Risk in Italy: a Preliminary Analysis

Salvati P., Bianchi C., Fiorucci F., Giostrella P., Marchesini I., Guzzetti F. (2014) Perception of Flood and Landslide Risk in Italy: a Preliminary Analysis. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 14, 2589-2603, doi:10.5194/nhess-14-2589-2014.

Catalogue of rainfall events with shallow landslides and new rainfall thresholds in Italy

Brunetti M.T., Peruccacci S., Antronico L., Bartolini D., Deganutti A.M., Gariano S.L., Iovine G., Luciani S., Luino L., Melillo M., Palladino M.R., Parise M., Rossi M., Turconi L., Vennari C., Vessia G., Viero A., Guzzetti F. (2015) Catalogue of rainfall events with shallow landslides and new rainfall thresholds in Italy. Lollino et al. (eds.), Engineering Geology for Society and Territory – Volume 2, 1575-1579, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-09057-3_280.

Automated reconstruction of rainfall events responsible for shallow landslides

Vessia G., Parise M., Brunetti M.T., Peruccacci S., Rossi M., Vennari C., Guzzetti F. (2014) Automated reconstruction of rainfall events responsible for shallow landslides. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 14, 2399–2408, doi:10.5194/nhess-14-2399-2014.

Non-Susceptible Landslide Areas in Italy and in the Mediterranean Region

Marchesini I., Ardizzone F., Alvioli M., Rossi M., Guzzetti F. (2014) Non-Susceptible Landslide Areas in Italy and in the Mediterranean Region. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 14, 2215–2231,, doi:10.5194/nhess-14-2215-2014.

Frontal collapse during thrust propagation in mountain belts a case study in the Lucania Apennines, Southern Italy

Bucci F., Novellino R., Tavarnelli E., Prosser G., Guzzetti F., Cardinali M., Gueguen E., Guglielmi P., Adurno I. (2014) Frontal collapse during thrust propagation in mountain belts: a case study in the Lucania Apennines, Southern Italy. Journal of the Geological Society, doi 10.1144/jgs2013-103.

Rischio geo-idrologico per la popolazione in Italia

Estratto da Atti dei Convegni Lincei n. 270 "Cosa non funziona nella difesa dal rischio idro-geologico nel nostro paese? Analisi e rimedi". Roma, 23 marzo 2012.

A New Digital Catalogue of Harmful Landslides and Floods in Italy

Salvati P., Marchesini I., Balducci V., Bianchi C., Guzzetti F. (2013) A New Digital Catalogue of Harmful Landslides and Floods in Italy. In: Landslide Science and Practice, Margottini C., Canuti P., Sassa K. (eds.), Vol. 3, 409-414, doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-31310-3_56.

Structural geomorphology, active faulting and slope deformations in the epicentre area of the Mw 7.0, 1857, Southern Italy earthquake

Bucci F., Cardinali M., Guzzetti F. (2013) Structural geomorphology, active faulting and slope deformations in the epicentre area of the MW 7.0, 1857, Southern Italy earthquake. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 63, 12-24, doi:10.1016/j.pce.2013.04.005.

Preliminary outcomes from a catalogue of natural and anthropogenic sinkholes in Italy, and analysis of the related damage

Parise M., Vennari C., Guzzetti F., Marchesini I., Salvati P. (2013) Preliminary outcomes from a catalogue of natural and anthropogenic sinkholes in Italy, and analysis of the related damage. Atti del Convegno AIGA 2013, Napoli, Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana, Vol. 24, 225-227.

Analysis of ground deformation using SBAS-DInSAR technique applied to COSMO-SkyMed images, the test case of Roma urban area

Ardizzone F., Bonano M., Giocoli A., Lanari R., Marsella M., Pepe A., Perrone A., Piscitelli S., Scifoni S., Scutti M., Solaro G. (2012) Analysis of ground deformation using SBAS-DInSAR technique applied to COSMO-SkyMed images, the test case of Roma urban area. SPIE Remote Sensing 2012.

Temporal and geographical variation of geo-hydrological risk to the population of Italy

Salvati P., Bianchi C., Fiorucci F., Marchesini I., Rossi M., Guzzetti F. (2012) Temporal and geographical variation of geo-hydrological risk to the population of Italy. Proceedings 4th IDRC, International Disaster Risk Conference, Davos, Switzerland, 26-30 August 2012, Extended Abstracts Oral Presentations, Sessions and Workshops, 625-629.

Tier-based approaches for landslide susceptibility assessment in Europe

Günther A., Reichenbach P., Malet J.-P., Van Den Eeckhaut M., Hervás J., Dashwood C., Guzzetti F. (2013) Tier-based approaches for landslide susceptibility assessment in Europe. Landslides, 10:5, 529-546. doi:10.1007/s10346-012-0349-1, Published online: 22 August 2012.

Populating a catalogue of rainfall events that triggered shallow landslides in Italy

Gariano S.L., Iovine G.R., Brunetti M.T., Peruccacci S., Luciani S., Bartolini D., Palladino M., Vessia G., Viero A., Vennari C., Antronico L., Deganutti A.M., Luino F., Parise M., Terranova O.G., Guzzetti F. (2012) Populating a catalogue of rainfall events that triggered shallow landslides in Italy. 86° Congresso della Società Geologica Italiana, Arcavacata di Rende, 18-20 Settembre 2012, Rendiconti Online della Società Geological Italiana, Vol. 21, 396-398.

Rainfall thresholds for possible occurrence of shallow landslides and debris flows in Italy

Brunetti M.T, Luino F., Vennari C., Peruccacci S., Biddoccu M., Valigi D., Luciani S., Cirio C.G., Rossi M., Nigrelli G., Ardizzone F., Di Palma M., & Guzzetti F. (2013) Rainfall thresholds for possible occurrence of shallow landslides and debris flows in Italy. Stoffel M., Bollschweiler M., Luckman B.H. (eds.) Dating methods of alluvial processes on fans and cones. Advances in Global Change Research Series, Volume 47, Part 3, 327-339, DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-4336-6_22, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.

Landslide inventory map for the Briga and the Giampilieri catchments, NE Sicily, Italy (map)

Ardizzone F., Basile G., Cardinali M., Casagli N., Del Conte S., Del Ventisette C., Fiorucci F., Gigli G., Garfagnoli F., Guzzetti F., Iovine G., Mondini A.C., Moretti S., Panebianco M., Reichenbach P., Rossi M., Tantaro L., Terranova O. (2012) Landslide inventory map for the Briga and the Giampilieri catchments, NE Sicily, Italy. Journal of Maps, 8(2), 176-180, doi:10.1080/17445647.2012.694271.

Landslide inventory map for the Briga and the Giampilieri catchments, NE Sicily, Italy

Ardizzone F., Basile G., Cardinali M., Casagli N., Del Conte S., Del Ventisette C., Fiorucci F., Gigli G., Garfagnoli F., Guzzetti F., Iovine G., Mondini A.C., Moretti S., Panebianco M., Reichenbach P., Rossi M., Tantaro L., Terranova O. (2012) Landslide inventory map for the Briga and the Giampilieri catchments, NE Sicily, Italy. Journal of Maps, 8(2), 176-180, doi:10.1080/17445647.2012.694271.

SANF: National warning system for rainfall-induced landslides in Italy

Rossi M., Peruccacci S., Brunetti M.T., Marchesini I., Luciani S., Ardizzone F., Balducci V., Bianchi C., Cardinali M., Fiorucci F., Mondini A.C., Reichenbach P., Salvati P., Santangelo M., Bartolini D., Gariano S.L., Palladino M., Vessia G., Viero A., Antronico L., Borselli L., Deganutti A.M., Iovine G., Luino F., Parise M., Polemio M., Guzzetti F. (2012) SANF: National warning system for rainfall-induced landslides in Italy. In: Eberhardt E., Froese C., Turner A.K., & Leroueil S. (eds.), Landslides and engineered slopes: protecting society through improved understanding, Proceedings 11th Symposium on Landslides and 2nd North American Symposium on Landslides, Banff, Canada, Vol. 2, 1895-1899.

Flood Risk in Italy

Salvati P., Bianchi C., Rossi M., Guzzetti F. (2012) Flood Risk in Italy. In: Kundzewicz Z. (ed.) Changes of flood risk in Europe. IAHS Special Publication 10, IAHS Press, UK, 277-292 (

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published on 2011/08/31 12:15:00 GMT+2 last modified 2018-02-19T13:33:19+02:00