

Papers published in proceedings of the year 2010.

Parise M., Perrone A., Violante C., Stewart J.P., Simonelli A., Guzzetti F. (2010) Activity of the Italian National Research Council in the aftermath of the 6 April 2009 Abruzzo earthquake: the Sinizzo Lake case study. Atti 2° Workshop Internazionale I Sinkholes - Gli sprofondamenti catastrofici nell’ambiente naturale ed in quello antropizzato. Roma, 3-4 Dicembre 2009, 623-631.


Marchesini I., Balducci V., Tonelli G., Rossi M., Guzzetti F. (2010) Geospatial information on landslides and floods in Italy. International Symposium on Geo-information for Disaster Management (Gi4DM), Torino, 4-10 February 2010.


Hervás, J., Günther, A., Reichenbach, P., Malet, J.-P., Van Den Eeckhaut, M., 2010. Harmonised approaches for landslide susceptibility mapping in Europe. In: Malet, J.-P., Glade, T., Casagli, N. (Eds.), Proc. Int. Conference Mountain Risks: Bringing Science to Society, Florence, Italy, 24-26 November 2010. CERG Editions, Strasbourg, pp. 501-505.


Bovenga F., Candela L., Casu F., Fornaro G., Guzzetti F., Lanari R., Nitti D.O., Nutricato R., Reale R. (2010) The COSMO-Skymed constellation turn on the l’Aquila earthquake: DinSAR results of the MORFEO project. Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2010, Paper 4588, 25-30 July 2010. Honolulu, ISBN DVD-ROM: 978-1-4244-9564-1, ISBN IEEE Xplore: 978-1-4244-9566-5, 4803-4806.

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published on 2011/09/02 21:57:11 GMT+2 last modified 2011-09-03T05:16:28+02:00