

For our own research, we have designed and developed specific tools, mostly software. Here we provide information on software tools prepared or used by our team, or by scientists working with us. We try to keep the page updated with the latest releases of the SW. Should you need further information on the listed SW, or should you not be able to download or use the SW, you can write us.

LAND-deFeND database structure

“LANDslides and Floods National Database” (LAND-deFeND) is a new database structure able to store, organize and manage in a single digital structure spatial information on historical landslides and floods – collectively called “geo-hydrological hazards" - collected with different accuracy from various sources. [by Ivan Marchesini, Elisabetta Napolitano, Paola Salvati, Marco Donnini (IRPI, Perugia)]

TRIGRS - A Fortran Program for Transient Rainfall Infiltration and Grid-Based Regional Slope-Stability Analysis, Version 2.1

This is a parallel implementation of TRIGRS, the Transient Rainfall Infiltration and Grid-Based Regional Slope-Stability Model for the timing and distribution of rainfall-induced shallow landslides. The saturated and unsaturated model with finite and infinite soil depth options are parallelized in the framework of the Message Passing Interface. In addition, the code contains new features and bug fixes, with respect to version 2.0. [by Massimiliano Alvioli (IRPI, Perugia) and Rex Baum (USGS, Golden) | see also Alvioli, M. and Baum, R. L., (2016). Parallelization of the TRIGRS model using the message passing interface. Environ. Model. Softw. 81, 122-135. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2016.04.002]

Slope Units Delineation


    Slope-units (SU) are a special type of terrain units bounded by drainage and divide lines that prove particularly well suited for landslide susceptibility modelling (LS) and associated terrain zonations.
    We provide the new r.slopeunits software for the automatic delineation of SU.
    The software, written mainly in the Python language for GRASS GIS 7.0, automates the process of delineating SU, given a DEM and a set of user-defined input parameters. (by Ivan Marchesini and Massimiliano Alvioli)

Rainfall events and landslides thresholds

    Tools for the reconstruction of rainfall events from records of rainfall measurements, for the definition of the rainfall conditions responsible for landslides, and for the definition of rainfall thresholds for possible landslide occurrence (by Massimo Melillo)


Landslide susceptibility assessment


Statistical treatment of fatality data


Statistical treatment of landslide sizes


GIS and interpretation of aerial photographs

  •  Some GRASS GIS Python scripts for (i) generating a bedding attitude layer starting from a bedding trace layer and a DEM, and (ii) for interpolating bedding attitude data and obtaining a morpho-structural layer (cataclinal, anaclinal, orthoclinal slopes) - (by Ivan Marchesini)


ICL Landslide Teaching Tools

  •  We have contributed to the ICL Landslide Teaching Tools, edited by Kyoji Sassa, Bin He, Mauri McSaveney, Osamu Nagai, and published by ICL & UNESCO [ISBN: 978-4-9903382-2-0].




Geostat 2010 Materials


  •  A GRASS GIS python code developed to alter a DEM according to the presence of a road network. The roads are dug into the DEM (typically having a resolution of 5 to 10 meters) - (by Ivan Marchesini)



    Chi sta in ma naviga, chi sta a tera zudega.
    (proverbio ligure)


    A lot of times, people don’t know what they want until you show it to them.
    (Steve Jobs, 12 May 1998)

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last modified 2021-07-19T23:35:15+02:00