Geomorphodiversity and anthropization indices for Italian urban areas
Burnelli, M., Melelli, L., Alvioli M (2024). Geomorphodiversity and anthropization indices for Italian urban areas. Geomorphology 109532.
Burnelli, M., Melelli, L., Alvioli M (2024). Geomorphodiversity and anthropization indices for Italian urban areas. Geomorphology 109532.
Introduction to the special issue "Advances in Geomorphometry"
M. Alvioli, I. Marchesini, L. Melelli, P. Guth (2021). Advances in Geomorphometry. Transactions in GIS 25(0), 1-5.
M. Alvioli, I. Marchesini, L. Melelli, P. Guth (2021). Advances in Geomorphometry. Transactions in GIS 25(0), 1-5.
A spaceborne SAR-based procedure to support the detection of landslides
Article entitled "A spaceborne SAR-based procedure to support the detection of landslides" by Giuseppe Esposito, Ivan Marchesini, Alessandro Cesare Mondini, Paola Reichenbach, Mauro Rossi and Simone Sterlacchini published on the journal Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. DOI: The article was prepared in the framework of the Stress project (Strategies, Tools and new data for REsilient Smart Societies). The article was published open access and can be found at the following link:
Article entitled "A spaceborne SAR-based procedure to support the detection of landslides" by Giuseppe Esposito, Ivan Marchesini, Alessandro Cesare Mondini, Paola Reichenbach, Mauro Rossi and Simone Sterlacchini published on the journal Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. DOI: The article was prepared in the framework of the Stress project (Strategies, Tools and new data for REsilient Smart Societies). The article was published open access and can be found at the following link:
A spaceborne SAR-based procedure to support the detection of landslides
Article entitled "A spaceborne SAR-based procedure to support the detection of landslides" by Giuseppe Esposito, Ivan Marchesini, Alessandro Cesare Mondini, Paola Reichenbach, Mauro Rossi and Simone Sterlacchini published on the journal Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. DOI: The article was prepared in the framework of the Stress project (Strategies, Tools and new data for REsilient Smart
Societies). The article was published open access and can be found at the following link:
Article entitled "A spaceborne SAR-based procedure to support the detection of landslides" by Giuseppe Esposito, Ivan Marchesini, Alessandro Cesare Mondini, Paola Reichenbach, Mauro Rossi and Simone Sterlacchini published on the journal Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. DOI: The article was prepared in the framework of the Stress project (Strategies, Tools and new data for REsilient Smart
Societies). The article was published open access and can be found at the following link:
Topography-driven satellite imagery analysis for landslide mapping
Alvioli M., Mondini A.C., Fiorucci F., Cardinali M., Marchesini I. (2018). Topography-driven satellite imagery analysis for landslide mapping. Natural Hazards and Risk, 9:1, 544-567.
Alvioli M., Mondini A.C., Fiorucci F., Cardinali M., Marchesini I. (2018). Topography-driven satellite imagery analysis for landslide mapping. Natural Hazards and Risk, 9:1, 544-567.
Topography-driven satellite imagery analysis for landslide mapping
Alvioli M., Mondini A.C., Fiorucci F., Cardinali M., Marchesini I. (2018). Topography-driven satellite imagery analysis for landslide mapping. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 9:1, 544-567.
Alvioli M., Mondini A.C., Fiorucci F., Cardinali M., Marchesini I. (2018). Topography-driven satellite imagery analysis for landslide mapping. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 9:1, 544-567.
LAND-deFeND – an innovative database structure for landslides and floods and their consequences
Napolitano E., Marchesini I., Salvati P., Donnini M., Bianchi C., Guzzetti F. (2018) LAND-deFeND – an innovative database structure for landslides and floods and their consequences. Journal of Environmental Management 207, 203-218.
Napolitano E., Marchesini I., Salvati P., Donnini M., Bianchi C., Guzzetti F. (2018) LAND-deFeND – an innovative database structure for landslides and floods and their consequences. Journal of Environmental Management 207, 203-218.
Automatic delineation of geomorphological slope units with r.slopeunits v1.0 and their optimization for landslide susceptibility modeling
Alvioli, M., Marchesini, M., Reichenbach, P., Rossi, M., Ardizzone, F., Fiorucci, F., Guzzetti, F. (2016). Automatic delineation of geomorphological slope units with r.slopeunits v1.0 and their optimization for landslide susceptibility modeling. Geoscientific Model Development, 9, 3975-3991. DOI:10.5194/gmd-9-3975-2016
Alvioli, M., Marchesini, M., Reichenbach, P., Rossi, M., Ardizzone, F., Fiorucci, F., Guzzetti, F. (2016). Automatic delineation of geomorphological slope units with r.slopeunits v1.0 and their optimization for landslide susceptibility modeling. Geoscientific Model Development, 9, 3975-3991. DOI:10.5194/gmd-9-3975-2016
A strategy for GIS-based 3D slope stability modelling over large areas
Mergili M., Marchesini I., Alvioli M., Metz M., Schneider-Muntau B., Rossi M., Guzzetti F. (2014) A strategy for GIS-based 3D slope stability modelling over large areas. Geoscientific Model Development, 7, 2969-2982, doi:10.5194/gmd-7-2969-2014.
Mergili M., Marchesini I., Alvioli M., Metz M., Schneider-Muntau B., Rossi M., Guzzetti F. (2014) A strategy for GIS-based 3D slope stability modelling over large areas. Geoscientific Model Development, 7, 2969-2982, doi:10.5194/gmd-7-2969-2014.
GIS-based deterministic analysis of deep-seated slope stability in a complex geological setting
Mergili M., Marchesini I., Alvioli M., Rossi M., Santangelo M., Cardinali M., Ardizzone F., Fiorucci F., Schneider-Muntau B., Fellin W., Guzzetti F. (2015) GIS-based deterministic analysis of deep-seated slope stability in a complex geological setting. Lollino et al. (eds.), Engineering Geology for Society and Territory – Volume 2, 1437-1440, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-09057-3_254.
Mergili M., Marchesini I., Alvioli M., Rossi M., Santangelo M., Cardinali M., Ardizzone F., Fiorucci F., Schneider-Muntau B., Fellin W., Guzzetti F. (2015) GIS-based deterministic analysis of deep-seated slope stability in a complex geological setting. Lollino et al. (eds.), Engineering Geology for Society and Territory – Volume 2, 1437-1440, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-09057-3_254.
Slope stability scaling laws within physically based models and their modifications under varying triggering conditions
Alvioli M., Rossi M., Guzzetti F. (2015) Slope stability scaling laws within physically based models and their modifications under varying triggering conditions. Lollino et al. (eds.), Engineering Geology for Society and Territory – Volume 1, 547-550, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-09300-0_102.
Alvioli M., Rossi M., Guzzetti F. (2015) Slope stability scaling laws within physically based models and their modifications under varying triggering conditions. Lollino et al. (eds.), Engineering Geology for Society and Territory – Volume 1, 547-550, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-09300-0_102.
Non-Susceptible Landslide Areas in Italy and in the Mediterranean Region
Marchesini I., Ardizzone F., Alvioli M., Rossi M., Guzzetti F. (2014) Non-Susceptible Landslide Areas in Italy and in the Mediterranean Region. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 14, 2215–2231,, doi:10.5194/nhess-14-2215-2014.
Marchesini I., Ardizzone F., Alvioli M., Rossi M., Guzzetti F. (2014) Non-Susceptible Landslide Areas in Italy and in the Mediterranean Region. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 14, 2215–2231,, doi:10.5194/nhess-14-2215-2014.
An open source GIS tool to quantify the visual impact of wind turbines and photovoltaic panels
Minelli A., Marchesini I., Taylor F. E., De Rosa P., Casagrande L., Cenci M. (2014) An open source GIS tool to quantify the visual impact of wind turbines and photovoltaic panels. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 49, 70-78, doi: 10.1016/j.eiar.2014.07.002.
Minelli A., Marchesini I., Taylor F. E., De Rosa P., Casagrande L., Cenci M. (2014) An open source GIS tool to quantify the visual impact of wind turbines and photovoltaic panels. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 49, 70-78, doi: 10.1016/j.eiar.2014.07.002.
A GIS Approach to Analysis of Deep-Seated Slope Stability in Complex Geology
Marchesini I., Mergili M., Rossi M., Santangelo M., Cardinali M., Ardizzone F., Fiorucci F., Schneider-Muntau B., Fellin W., Guzzetti F. (2014) A GIS Approach to Analysis of Deep-Seated Slope Stability in Complex Geology. Proceedings of the 3rd World Landslide Forum, 2-6 June 2014, Beijing, Paper n. 1395, Published in: Sassa K., Canuti P., Yin Y., Landslide Science for a Safer Geoenvironment, Volume 2, Springer, 483-489, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-05050-8_75.
Marchesini I., Mergili M., Rossi M., Santangelo M., Cardinali M., Ardizzone F., Fiorucci F., Schneider-Muntau B., Fellin W., Guzzetti F. (2014) A GIS Approach to Analysis of Deep-Seated Slope Stability in Complex Geology. Proceedings of the 3rd World Landslide Forum, 2-6 June 2014, Beijing, Paper n. 1395, Published in: Sassa K., Canuti P., Yin Y., Landslide Science for a Safer Geoenvironment, Volume 2, Springer, 483-489, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-05050-8_75.
A method for the assessment of the influence of bedding on landslide abundance and types
Santangelo M., Marchesini I., Cardinali M., Fiorucci F., Rossi M., Bucci F., Guzzetti F. (2014) A method for the assessment of the influence of bedding on landslide abundance and types. Landslides, 12, 295-309, doi: 10.1007/s10346-014-0485-x.
Santangelo M., Marchesini I., Cardinali M., Fiorucci F., Rossi M., Bucci F., Guzzetti F. (2014) A method for the assessment of the influence of bedding on landslide abundance and types. Landslides, 12, 295-309, doi: 10.1007/s10346-014-0485-x.
Spatially distributed three-dimensional slope stability modelling in a raster GIS
Mergili M., Marchesini I., Rossi M., Guzzetti F., Fellin W. (2014) Spatially distributed three-dimensional slope stability modelling in a raster GIS. Geomorphology, 206, 178-195, doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2013.10.008.
Mergili M., Marchesini I., Rossi M., Guzzetti F., Fellin W. (2014) Spatially distributed three-dimensional slope stability modelling in a raster GIS. Geomorphology, 206, 178-195, doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2013.10.008.
Tier-based approaches for landslide susceptibility assessment in Europe
Günther A., Reichenbach P., Malet J.-P., Van Den Eeckhaut M., Hervás J., Dashwood C., Guzzetti F. (2013) Tier-based approaches for landslide susceptibility assessment in Europe. Landslides, 10:5, 529-546. doi:10.1007/s10346-012-0349-1, Published online: 22 August 2012.
Günther A., Reichenbach P., Malet J.-P., Van Den Eeckhaut M., Hervás J., Dashwood C., Guzzetti F. (2013) Tier-based approaches for landslide susceptibility assessment in Europe. Landslides, 10:5, 529-546. doi:10.1007/s10346-012-0349-1, Published online: 22 August 2012.
Geospatial information on landslides and floods in Italy
Marchesini I., Balducci V., Tonelli G., Rossi M., Guzzetti F. (2010) Geospatial information on landslides and floods in Italy. International Symposium on Geo-information for Disaster Management (Gi4DM), Torino, 4-10 February 2010.
Marchesini I., Balducci V., Tonelli G., Rossi M., Guzzetti F. (2010) Geospatial information on landslides and floods in Italy. International Symposium on Geo-information for Disaster Management (Gi4DM), Torino, 4-10 February 2010.
The GIIDA project: a spatial information infrastructure for environmental data sharing
Nativi S., Mazzetti P., Guzzetti F., Oggioni A., Pirrone N., Santoleri R., Tartarig G., Viola A., Santoro M. (2010) The GIIDA project: a spatial information infrastructure for environmental data sharing. International Symposium on Geo-information for Disaster Management (Gi4DM), Torino, 4-10 February 2010.
Nativi S., Mazzetti P., Guzzetti F., Oggioni A., Pirrone N., Santoleri R., Tartarig G., Viola A., Santoro M. (2010) The GIIDA project: a spatial information infrastructure for environmental data sharing. International Symposium on Geo-information for Disaster Management (Gi4DM), Torino, 4-10 February 2010.
A WebGIS for the Dissemination of Information on Historical Landslides and Floods in Umbria, Italy
Salvati P., Balducci V., Bianchi C., Guzzetti F. & Tonelli G. (2009) A WebGIS for the Dissemination of Information on Historical Landslides and Floods in Umbria, Italy. Vol. 13, 305–322, DOI 10.1007/s10707-008-0072-1,
Salvati P., Balducci V., Bianchi C., Guzzetti F. & Tonelli G. (2009) A WebGIS for the Dissemination of Information on Historical Landslides and Floods in Umbria, Italy. Vol. 13, 305–322, DOI 10.1007/s10707-008-0072-1,
Information system on hydrological and geomorphological catastrophes in Italy (SICI): a tool for managing landslide and flood hazards
Guzzetti F. & Tonelli G. (2004) Information system on hydrological and geomorphological catastrophes in Italy (SICI): a tool for managing landslide and flood hazards. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, Vol. 4:2, 213-232, SRef-ID: 1684-9981/nhess/2004-4-213.
Guzzetti F. & Tonelli G. (2004) Information system on hydrological and geomorphological catastrophes in Italy (SICI): a tool for managing landslide and flood hazards. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, Vol. 4:2, 213-232, SRef-ID: 1684-9981/nhess/2004-4-213.
Information system on historical landslides and floods in Italy
Guzzetti F., Cipolla F., Lolli O., Pagliacci S. & Tonelli G. (2002) Information system on historical landslides and floods in Italy. Urban Hazards Forum. John Jay College, CUNY, New York.
Guzzetti F., Cipolla F., Lolli O., Pagliacci S. & Tonelli G. (2002) Information system on historical landslides and floods in Italy. Urban Hazards Forum. John Jay College, CUNY, New York.
GIS technology in mapping landslide hazard
Carrara A., Cardinali M., Guzzetti F., Reichenbach P. (1995) GIS technology in mapping landslide hazard. In: Carrara A., Guzzetti F. (eds.), Geographical Information Systems in Assessing Natural Hazards. Kluwer Academic Publisher, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 135-175, ISBN-10: 0792335023, ISBN-13: 9780792335023.
Carrara A., Cardinali M., Guzzetti F., Reichenbach P. (1995) GIS technology in mapping landslide hazard. In: Carrara A., Guzzetti F. (eds.), Geographical Information Systems in Assessing Natural Hazards. Kluwer Academic Publisher, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 135-175, ISBN-10: 0792335023, ISBN-13: 9780792335023.
Use of GIS Technology in the Prediction and Monitoring of Landslide Hazard
Carrara A., Guzzetti F., Cardinali M. & Reichenbach P. (1999) Use of GIS Technology in the Prediction and Monitoring of Landslide Hazard. Natural Hazards, Vol. 20: 2-3, 117-135.
Carrara A., Guzzetti F., Cardinali M. & Reichenbach P. (1999) Use of GIS Technology in the Prediction and Monitoring of Landslide Hazard. Natural Hazards, Vol. 20: 2-3, 117-135.
Techniques and Tools for Mapping Natural Hazards and Risk Impact on the Developed Environment
Carrara A. & Guzzetti F., editors (1999) Techniques and Tools for Mapping Natural Hazards and Risk Impact on the Developed Environment. Natural Hazards, Vol. 20:2-3, November 1999, 93-324, available @
Carrara A. & Guzzetti F., editors (1999) Techniques and Tools for Mapping Natural Hazards and Risk Impact on the Developed Environment. Natural Hazards, Vol. 20:2-3, November 1999, 93-324, available @
Geographical Information Systems in Assessing Natural Hazards
Carrara A. & Guzzetti F., editors (1995) Geographical Information Systems in Assessing Natural Hazards. Kluwer Academic Publisher, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 360 p. 2 illus., 1 in color., Hardcover, ISBN: 978-0-7923-3502-3, info available @
Carrara A. & Guzzetti F., editors (1995) Geographical Information Systems in Assessing Natural Hazards. Kluwer Academic Publisher, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 360 p. 2 illus., 1 in color., Hardcover, ISBN: 978-0-7923-3502-3, info available @
Integrated database and GIS techniques to convert geologic field information into geological and thematic maps: the CARG Project
Ardizzone F., Guarnieri P. & Sterlacchini S. (2000) Integrated database and GIS techniques to convert geologic field information into geological and thematic maps: the CARG Project. August 2000, Munich, Germany.
Ardizzone F., Guarnieri P. & Sterlacchini S. (2000) Integrated database and GIS techniques to convert geologic field information into geological and thematic maps: the CARG Project. August 2000, Munich, Germany.
Geographic information technology to assess landslide hazard in regional environmental planning
Carrara A., Guzzetti F., Cardinali M., Reichenbach P., Antonini G., Galli M., Ardizzone F., Fossati D., Laffi R., Mazzoccola D., Sciesa E., Crosta G. & Frattini P. (2000) Geographic information technology to assess landslide hazard in regional environmental planning. August 2000, Munich, Germany.
Carrara A., Guzzetti F., Cardinali M., Reichenbach P., Antonini G., Galli M., Ardizzone F., Fossati D., Laffi R., Mazzoccola D., Sciesa E., Crosta G. & Frattini P. (2000) Geographic information technology to assess landslide hazard in regional environmental planning. August 2000, Munich, Germany.
GIS technology in mapping landslide hazard
Carrara A., Cardinali M., Guzzetti F. & Reichenbach P. (1995) GIS technology in mapping landslide hazard. In: Carrara A. & Guzzetti F. (eds.), Geographical Information Systems in Assessing Natural Hazards. Kluwer Academic Publisher, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 135-175.
Carrara A., Cardinali M., Guzzetti F. & Reichenbach P. (1995) GIS technology in mapping landslide hazard. In: Carrara A. & Guzzetti F. (eds.), Geographical Information Systems in Assessing Natural Hazards. Kluwer Academic Publisher, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 135-175.
Landslide hazard and risk by GIS-based multivariate models
Guzzetti F. (1993) Landslide hazard and risk by GIS-based multivariate models. In Reichenbach P. et al. (eds.), Proceedings Workshop on Geographical Information Systems in Assessing Natural Hazards. Villa La Colombella, Perugia, 20-22 September 1993, 83-91.
Guzzetti F. (1993) Landslide hazard and risk by GIS-based multivariate models. In Reichenbach P. et al. (eds.), Proceedings Workshop on Geographical Information Systems in Assessing Natural Hazards. Villa La Colombella, Perugia, 20-22 September 1993, 83-91.